Chapter 8: The boat house

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How could I be so stupid!

I shouldn't be out here. I should be protecting Eddie for fucks sake! He's in danger! Maybe I should just stop caring about my abilities being noticed and focus on him.

"Hey Y/N... may I come in?" Eddie politely knocks on the door of the boat house, despite it already being left open.

I nod my head, looking back towards the lake. I watch as the gentle breeze blows the water, the sun glistening in its reflection.

"The others left. It's just us again now." Eddie says as he sits down next to me.

I contemplate wether or not I should tell him about my abilities. Maybe he'd call me a freak. After all that's happened, I would probably scare him off.

"Talk to me Y/N... please. I know we didn't meet long ago but please... what was that about earlier?" Eddie looks at me and I turn to look at him.

His eyes looking directly into mine which makes my heart rate speed up.

"I... it's nothing. I just want to protect you Eddie. You don't deserve this. I should be protecting you! I should be trying to find out what is going on." I look at him.

The look in his eyes changes. It's almost unreadable but I notice a hint of... adoration? I have no idea.

Suddenly, I'm pulled into a tight hug as Eddie wraps his arms around me. I place my head on his shoulder and try to calm down.

"None of this is your fault. Okay? You have to trust me. I'm gonna be just fine. We're gonna be fine. I've got you." Eddie holds me in his arms tighter.

I feel... at home. Like I'm meant to be here. I love the way he strokes my hair as he hugs me. The way he comforts me.

"Thank you..."

I grip onto him tighter and I hear him laugh a little.

"You don't have to thank me. Hell, I should be the one thanking you! You're my protector! My hero! I owe you my life!" Eddie exclaims, quickly rushing to stand and taking a bow in front of me.

I laugh as he reaches out his hand for me to take and he helps me stand. He pulls me a bit too hard and I end up falling foward slightly into his chest but he manages to catch me.

"See? You can protect me from scary monsters and evil shit, I'll protect you from falling. Sound like a deal?" Eddie laughs and I smile along with him.

"Of course. My noble knight in shining armour." I reply.

Soon enough, we head back into the house and I walk into the kitchen to put away the supplies the others brought us. It's not much. Could last a day or two if we're lucky.

A few seconds later, I hear the familiar lyrics to a song which I've loved since it came out.

I saw him dancing there by the record machine.
I knew he must have been about 17.
The beat was going strong, playing my favorite song.
I could tell it wouldn't be long 'till he was with me,
Yeah me.
I could tell it wouldn't be long 'till he was with me,
Yeah me.

Singing I love rock and roll,
So put another dime in the jukebox baby.
I love rock and roll,
So come and take your time and dance with me.

I hear Eddie singing along to it so I decide to peek around the corner and sure enough, he has a random piece of wood in his hands, pretending it's an electric guitar.

He's dancing and jumping about, singing his heart out with no care in the world.

"You've got some super cool moves Munson." I laugh as I watch him snap his head in my direction. He panics and rushes to turn off the radio.

"How much of that did you see?" Eddie asks, playing with his hair nervously. He tries to use his hair to cover his face, going all shy.


"Oh I saw enough. I'm guessing you play the guitar? You'll have to play for me sometime." I smile, watching as a smile makes it's way onto his face too.

"Yeah... I'd like that. Maybe I'll even learn your favourite song." He gives me a goofy grin.

"Well... my favorite song just so happens to be F/S." I tell him.

He nods, thinking for a moment.

"Yeah, that shouldn't be too hard to play. I've heard it before. You've got good taste in music Y/N." Eddie smiles again.

Another wave of butterflies are sent flying through my body, giving me a tingling sensation. This has never happened to me before. Yeah I've had the odd crush here and there but nothing like this.

Eddie is... different. He's special. I need to tell him how I feel but I just can't. I feel like it's too soon and I don't want to scare him away. Plus, he might not even feel the same.

"Thanks Eddie." I smile. He smiles back before wondering off into the kitchen.

What is he doing to me? All I'm thinking about now is him. It's been this way since I met him.

He just can't leave my mind.

Catch me if I fall - Eddie Munson x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя