Chapter 3: The next day

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For weeks, Danny was begging mum and I to let him fly out to California with Mike. Mum obviously said no with everything that has been going on.

This morning, I sit on the sofa next to mum as she drinks her morning coffee and watches the news.

"Oh my god..."

I look at the small tv screen to see a photo of a girl who was killed just last night. She went to Hawkins High School.

"Police suspect that the girl was murdered right before the suspect left in order to hide. If anyone has any information, please contact Hawkins Police Department." The man on the screen says.

Mum quickly turns off the tv and stares at the blank screen.

"It's happening again isn't it? Something big is about to happen. Something terrible. I can feel it." I say, getting an awful feeling in my chest.

Mum goes to say something when a bang on the door interrupts her.

"Can I help you? Dustin, right? And you are...?" I ask looking at a boy in a baseball cap and a girl as I open the door. He quickly nods his head then begins to look around. He looks extremely panicked.

"I'm Max." The girl quickly states and I nod my head.

"Yeah, is Danny home? We kinda have an emergency." He asks and I nod.

"Yeah one second. Danny! Dustin is here! He says it's an emergency!" I shout and my brother comes rushing down the stairs.

"Hey Dustin, what's up?" Danny smiles but his face drops when he sees the serious look on Dustin's face.

"Eddie's in trouble."

My heart sinks for a moment at the mention of Eddie. I don't really know the guy but he seems sweet.

"He's in trouble? What's wrong? Do you guys need any help?" I ask, worrying a bit.

"Yeah I suppose we could use all the help we can get." Dustin nods.

I peek my head into the living room to let mum know where we ate going and I grab my car keys.

"Mum, Danny and I are heading out. We shouldn't be too long!" I let her know.

Mum begins to protest after what she heard on the news but before she can stop us, we are already in the car.

"Right, were we going?" I start the engine.

"The Family Video store where Steve and Robin work." Dustin replies and I nod.

The drive is only short and soon enough I pull up just outside the front door. In an instant, Dustin rushes out the car and into the store.

"Wow, he's in a rush." I laugh, getting out the car to follow him.

"Well he did say Eddie is in danger."

Danny rushes into the store in front of me and I go to follow him. However, the same ticking noise from before attracts my attention.

There are no clocks around here though. How strange...

I shrug it off, walking in after the others to see Dustin typing away on the computers behind the front desk.

I just stand back and watch the entire scene unfold. The girl and guy behind the desk protest but eventually give in. They both turn to me with a confused look.

"Who's this?" The girl, Robin, asks.

"Oh, that's my sibling Y/N." Danny states with a small smile.

"You have a sibling?!" The guy asks.

Danny nods, wondering over to Dustin to help figure out where Eddie might be.

"Hey... so, Y/N right?" The guy walks over to me with a smile.

"Yeah, you would be correct. Let me guess, you're Steve? Danny talks about you a lot." I say with a small laugh.

"That's me! I'm used to... babysitting the kids so... I guess they kinda admire me." Steve says trying to act all cool.

He goes to lean on the side of the desk but ends up falling over. He falls into a pile of boxes but gets up almost instantly. He looks around sheepishly and let's out an awkward cough.

"I meant to do that." He says looking at me and then points to the boxes.

Everyone stares at him as if he is an idiot. Well...

"Hey! Stop messing around with that!" Steve exclaims, trying to stop Dustin using the computers.

"Can you just let me do this?! Someone just fill them in on what's happening!" Dustin exclaims.

Everyone stops what they're doing and looks over at Dustin, Max and my brother.

"Fill us in on what?" Robin asks and Max sighs.

"The girl at school who was found dead. She was found at Eddie's place. Everyone thinks he's the one who did it."

My heart drops. Surely he didn't. I mean, I don't really know much about him but he doesn't exactly seem like the type of guy to do something like this.

"Yeah he ran away. I'm going through his phone numbers to try and find out where he might be." Dustin says as he keeps on searching.

I walk towards the front door, hearing the same ticking noise as before.

Where on earth is that coming from?

I stare out the front window, a strange uneasy feeling washes over me and I close my eyes tightly. Flashing images of Brenda flood my mind and I try to shake them.

"Hey, you alright? Shit you're bleeding." Robin places a hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my trance.

I quickly wipe away the blood coming from my nose and fake a smile.

"Oh yeah, that happens sometimes." I let out an awkward laugh. Thankfully Dustin interrupts the awkwardness.

"Found it! Let's go!"

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