Part 13

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A/N: this is a short chapter again. Sorry!! i will probably post another chapter today. also the grammar on this chapter probably sucks, because i was to lazy to edit it lol. sorry!!


I arrived at Overhaul's lab just in time. I feed him some fake info about the lov that they gave me earlier, and quickly go down to Dusk's room.

"Dusk, we are leaving. Pack anything you want to take, if there is anything." I say quietly. I rush out, heading to my room, gathering all of my belongings. I go back to the dusk room to see her not ready to leave. I thought she would be happy to finally be free but she seems hesitant.

"Why don't you want to leave? Don't you hate it here?" I asked her. I thought she would be happy. She just stares at me. "Not... safe " she mutters under her breath.

" That's why we are gonna leave, hurry up, there should be a portal outside for us". I say, trying to rush her. We don't have a lot of time, and if Overhaul catches us, we could be in a lot of trouble. I grab a bag from my things, filling it with whatever I can find. I look back at her and she seems to have backed herself into a corner. I don't want to force her to come out but we need to leave soon. I don't want the league to think that I lied to them.

Please dusk..we are going to a safe place. You won't be hurt anymore. I promise." I say, trying to convince her. I smile at her a little bit, trying to be extra convincing so we can leave soon.

Dusk pov

SHE HAS GOT TO BE KIDDING. I'm standing in a corner and she's currently trying to get me out the door. Where would we even go after this? How does she plan and leave with me when there's like a thousand people here who work for overhaul. This is one of his biggest underground bases and she wants to break us out. "Leave" I say shaking my head no. She grabs my wrist and I reel back in surprise. Im malnourished so there is no point in fighting back. She drags me out of the room, gently somehow, and tells an confused worker walking by that overhaul wanted to see me. I look terrified so it's convincing. It goes by so fast but somehow we make it outside. I topple over in pain. Turns out sunlight burns against the black stuff on my eye. I recover it with my hair and let my other eye adjust. I just realized that Hana is no longer holding me, but she off talking with someone. I look up and to my surprise a girl with blond hair, in two messy buns pulls me into a hug immediately. I let out an low scream but it would have been impossible to hear over her rambling on about something. She lets go of me and backs up just enough to see behind her. All I see is the league of villains. I back up, visibly shaking. They look terrifying. One has hands all over his body, another has parts of his body decaying. I can't even see straight anymore. All that's going through my head is that I'm going to die. I end up fainting, the last thing I see is the girl infront of me catching me with a look of worry.

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