Part 1

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That's all that I hear. it infects me, burning holes in my ears as i walk through the thicket of trees. I touch the branches, hearing my so-called parents screaming my name, asking, begging for me to come back. I keep walking. I don't care what they have to say to me. I finally get tired, sitting down in a circle of bushes, their thorns scratching me as I sit down. everything is distorted, the voices, the trees, even my own body. I cry, hot tears streaming down my face as I take in all that just happened. My home life has never been great. I grew up in an abusive household, and my family always told me I was useless because I'm part of the few percent of people that are quirkless. Everyone always told me that.

"Hana go away. no one likes you"

"Hana no one wants to play with someone who's quirkless"

"Hana your useless"

"Hana we don't love you"

I had to deal with that my entire life. I grew accustomed to bullying. but never did i think it would take such an extreme turn and become this bad. especially from my parents, the people supposed to support me. I guess that's just the way it is. I am a single child, probably one that wasn't planned, considering my parents despise me, and wish me to be gone, but that's besides the point. So what if I'm quirkless? I will find someone who cares. And so I did.

I wake up from one of the many dreams that haunts me, in a cold sweat. this one sticks with me, considering it is my past. The thing that happened so long ago, 11 and a half years ago, three months before my 10th birthday, still haunts me in my dreams. I can never seem to shake it off, which is strange, considering I don't really think I need parents to survive. I am a fully grown adult anyway. I sit on my bed in the cold warehouse my current clique dwells in. my parents always used to tell me i would end up nowhere. if being a villain is nowhere, i guess they were right, considering that's exactly where i am. I was able to survive in the forest for a total of 5 months, before things started to get out of hand. Just before I was to be captured, a man came to help me.I don't remember him much, but I remember his son. Kai Chisaki, better known as Overhaul. The two men saved me, and were able to grant me abilities, and more than one. they changed me for the better, and saved me from abuse. they granted me safety. i am forever in there debt debt...but 1) the man who originally got me was assassinated, and 2) i don't know how to repay Overhaul. he says i repay him by being his bodyguard, but i still feel like it isn't enough.i feel like he needs more from me. anyway, you're probably wondering why they took a handful of quirkless kids, and did experiments on them. They were testing to see if they could give people who were born without anything special, a quirk. It worked. At that time I was merely a 10 year old child, but it's also one of my favourite times. I met my sister. We aren't sisters by blood, but she's been the only family I have ever needed. Dusk Kagiru. We have been like sisters since the beginning. She was 6 at the time, only a little younger than me, and at first I thought it was awful to bring someone so young, but Kai reassured me it was for the good of the cause. It makes everything better. That was the beginning of how my feelings for Kai grew, and as we grew to know eachother better, and I was assigned the role of his bodyguard, I only fell deeper down the rabbit hole that is love. and now here i sit in my cold bed, wrapped in blankets thinking about him and my childhood. I checked the time, and the clock read 4:48 am. I know I won't sleep anymore, not from the dream, but just purely because I won't be able to, so I head out of my room to change. I quickly braid my straight, waist length black hair, putting it into a neat braid before changing into a black dress that reaches my knees. it leaves my shoulders bare but continues down my arm until it reaches my elbow. I wear fishnet stockings, and a pair of 3 inch tall black high heel boots. I adorn a choker necklace to pull the look together, and quickly add some eyeliner. I make sure my boots are equipped with retractable knives, for emergencies, and head down to the main area to train. I quickly see some of the other men up already, and see that overhaul must still be asleep. I walk through the bleached white halls, walking past the many rooms I grew up in. the experimentation room, and many assortment of labs, and my sister's room. I glance through the door to see her bleeding out her head, a normal sight. It will just heal up in no time. I walk into one of the many kitchens and grab a protein bar, for today is an important day. Today me and overhaul have a meeting with the league of villains! I finally get to do something less boring. I finally arrived at my destination, the training room. I make my way to the walls on the other side of the room that holds the weapons. Beautiful swords, daggers, Kunai and shuriken, among other things. I have always specialised in close combat with older japanese weapons, especially swords, because of how well they work with my quirk. I pull off a Katana, my favourite type of sword, and swing it around. My fighting style consists of Ballet and fighting, and the outcome is elegant, and accurate. I do a fighting dance, swinging the sword around in an orderly fashion, and by the end I'm completely tired out. I set the sword back on the stand, and take a break on a bench.

"Good training today, Hana" says a familiar voice. My heart starts beating faster, and it's so loud I swear he can hear it too. Blush rises to my face, and I quickly become as red as a tomato.

"T-thank you, Overhaul, Sir." I say as I quickly stand up. "What time will we be leaving, sir?" I ask.

"Soon. I will come get you when it's time." he says as he walks away, adjusting his thin white gloves. I bow to him quickly, and walk to my room to change into my body suit. My bodysuit is composed of microscopic screens that take in my surroundings and allow me to camouflage. It can change my hair colour, and how my bodysuit looks, and allows me to be a good spy and assassin. I slip off my clothing and slip into my body suit, keeping my 2 inch tall boots. I check my hair gain quickly to make sure it's in order, and wash my hands. I have a thing with being clean, and I absolutely hate dirt or anything that can contaminate me. I check myself one more time, wipe off any dust, and walk into the main area.

"Hana. time to go" Overhaul calls though the halls. I quickly stand by his side, ready to leave.

"Today we will have more than we could ever imagine, Hana. Do good work." he says. We walk through the door and head into the unknown. 

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