Part 10

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A/N: ok so this chapter is kinda long. just a warning, but yk thts just how it is ig.

It's been a day since the whole GHB thing. I feel better, and I have been able to leave the Med centre. I'm currently training. I whack the wooden dummies with my sword, cutting chunks out of their sides. It's the best way for me to think about stuff. I can always think while I'm distracting myself with fighting. So much has happened in the past week that I'm not even sure what to do anymore. Today this Lov is coming. They're going to negotiate with him, and hopefully nothing is going to happen to anyone. I fall to the ground, my arms shaking from the amount of pressure I applied to my body. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what is to come. I have to remember my number one goal. Protect Overhaul. I stand up, and walk over to a chair, and prepare myself some food. Before I know it, it's time to get ready for the meeting with Lov. I've been ordered to stay outside the door this time, and as the meeting starts I take my post outside. The door locks. I glance at the handle, wondering why he would lock the door. This allows the league to fight him easier without help! I sigh, knowing that I have to trust Overhaul. He must have some sort of trap set up. I hear a couple loud bangs coming from the door, and I go up to it, placing my ear against it.

"How can we trust you Overhaul?"

"That body guard of mine. She will do anything for me, Shigaraki. I thought i -"
"How can we be sure she won't trick us?"

"Because I lied to her. I made her believe that I loved her. But we can use her for anything as long as she doesn't find out..."



I fell to the ground in shame, how could I believe him? How did I not see he was using me? How was I so blind?

Why me?

He held my heart like a toy, a yoyo, and then threw it and let it crash to the ground. I needed to get out of there. If they found out I knew that could be bad. I get up and walk to a lab, not even caring which one I go to. As soon as I get in, I fall to the ground and I lay there limp on the cold floor, tears streaming down my face, and all I can feel is hate, hate, hate. I had no motivation to move, or speak, or ask for help, all I wanted to do was cry, or end all of this pain. I thought what we had was real. I thought he really loved me. I thought I made him happy, because he sure made me happy. I looked forward to seeing him. That was another thing. How would I face him? How could I look at his face the same way as I had before, filled with love? How could I pretend? I know it's unprofessional to bring emotions into a workplace, but I can't help it. I've always gotten attached easily, and it's obviously not going too well for me, but I can't help it. I sob on the cold floor, my body aching. I want to be held like a child, cradled. But I know that won't happen. How could I not realise? I'm so busy crying I barely even care about the door opening. I feel my body lifted up, and I open my eyes to see Kai. This sends me into a frenzy. I push and kick him, trying hard to make him let go of me, wishing he could just go away. He sits down, placing me on top of him. Why is he still pretending to be in love with me? Why is he still acting like he cares? I sob harder, gripping his shirt, punching his chest. I sit up slightly, to look him in the eye, to look for anything that could be love, but I see nothing. How did I not notice before? Eventually my body tires out, and I run out of energy. I sit in his lap crying, my hands clenching part of his shirt. He runs his hand in a circle over my back.

"Everything ok?" he asks into my hair. I break down again, trying to get words out, but all that comes out is gasps and cries. I cry myself to sleep in his arms, trying to tell myself that it's all a dream. And that none of this is real.

Dusk pov

My head hurts again, uuggghhh. It's another boring day, more experiment and pain. Maybe Hana will visit me. Unlikely though. Ever since her and overhaul has become an "thing" she's too busy to visit me. Doesn't really bother me because I don't understand what happens in her head ever. I hear loud footsteps coming towards my door. The door opens and Hana practically leaps at me. Hugging me, she starts to sob, leaving me dumbfounded. Happy that she's ok from the GHB I hugged her back, concluding that maybe the drug was more painful then I had thought it would be. I was very wrong. In a low vioce she starts spilling about how overhaul didnt love her and that he was using her. I freeze, unable to comprehend how it took her so long to figure it out. We both stand up and she just stops crying out of nowhere.

"You know what dusk. He can go die for all I care. I think I have a good idea of how to get him back though."

"Get... back?!?!" I was surprised and shocked. It was as if Hana thought she was free. She can't possibly take overhaul and all of his followers.

" I'm going to pretend, just like he is, to be inlove. I will purposely fail or leave information out to trick him.

After I'm done with that we can escape". She says with almost an evil-like smile.

Scared now I back up a little. We? I can't do anything, I would just be dead weight. Noticing my fear, Hana pulls me back into another hug.

"Why aren't you excited? we can finally leave this place!"

"H-how?" What if he catches her in the act? I'm practically hyperventilating at this point. So many different scenarios are going through my head, all of which end up bad. Painful. I shake my head no, hoping hana won't do it. It's too late though, she's decided, determined to do it. She leaves, leaving me shocked and scared. All I can do is hope she doesn't get caught. That and cry in the corner from the fear and the fact that my head hurts even more than before.

Hana POV

I feel ready to make overhaul pay. He hurt me. And continued to pretend he cared. I need to make him pay. It suprises me that dusk isnt happy with this idea but I don't care right now. That's not important.

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