Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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< Five years ago >

A pair of emerald eyes stared to him wordlessly.

' ..Who?'

Elias open his mouth to ask the teen's identity, instead some different words come out from his mouth.

"I'm Eri! What's your name?"

'...Huh? My voice sounds childish.'

The older boy didn't answer him. He just ignoring the poor little boy's question and facing back to his book. 'Elly' didn't mind. He take a look at the book's cover.

"Wow! That is the original version of 'The Night Baron' isn't it? I don't even had it yet.."

The teen look up from his book and met with a pair of-annoyingly-sparkling light blue eyes.

"..You can read Japanese?"

The teen spoke for the first time.

"Yup, my mother taught me! She said I need to know about her native language. More importantly, can we read together? I am Yusaku Kudo's fan!"

The teen frowned.


The alarm is ringing.

The young man on the bed who was sleeping was disturbed by the sound. It's already 7 a.m. He sighed.

'I need to wake up.'

Elias get up from the bed to open the curtain. The morning glow is shining through the window. People in Virginia are already on their way to go to their respective workplaces.

'...It's the same..'

It always the same thing everyday. Wake up, have a breakfast, go to work, back from the work, sleep.

'It's a relief that my work is not too boring.'

NCTC. National Counterterrorism Centre. It is a United States government organization responsible for national and international counterterrorism efforts.

'It's not like that I'm happy with the terrorism things..'

Elias is looking at the people around him. They're living their live peacefully with their family. Sometimes he felt that it is not bad to live his live like them.

'Speaking of it, I think I had a dream last night.'

He rarely had a dream, so he is interested about the contain of the dream.

'I think I saw something green..'

Elias frowned. He cannot remember it.

'Well, whatever. I don't think it's important.'


"Hutton, I need you to come to my room now."

Mr. Orlando's voice reached to his ear.

"Okay, sir."

It seems that Mr. Orlando will give Elias a separate work again. Sometimes, Mr. Orlando, his superior will give him a work that he need to do alone.

'It's a little troublesome, though. Looks like the mission will be a private one.'

Knock knock

"Come in."

When Elias get in the room, he noticed that there is an extra man sitting on the chair.

"Hutton, as usual, I will give a mission, but this time it's a little different. This man is James Black, an FBI agent. I don't know if you've met him or not. I need you to work together with FBI as they need an intelligence agent to collect information."

Elias felt a little surprised.

"Sir, does that mean that I need to transfer to their bureau?"

Mr. Orlando smiled. That's why he like talking to Elias. He quick to catch up. He also work efficiently. All the work that Mr. Orlando gave to him has been completed perfectly.

"Yes, you're right."

"What about my work, sir?"

Elias need to make sure of it.

"You don't need to worried about that. For now, you just have to do your work at FBI. I will contact you if there will be emergencies. Okay, Hutton?"

"I see. Okay, sir."

"I know I can count on you, Hutton."

Elias don't have any objection. He turned to the FBI agent and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Elias Hutton. I will be in your care."


"I heard that before you work at NCTC, you're from FBI."

James started talking to Elias.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. With this, our work will be more easier as you had already know how to work with us. After this, I will introduce our team members to you and tell you about our mission."

"Okay, sir."

James glanced at Elias.

"It seems like you are not quite a talker, right?"

Elias just shrugged. It's not like he have anything to say or object.

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