Daddy's Little Girl

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I stare at the text in horror. 

Dad's going to come home?! After a full year, he's finally coming back. I don't know how I feel about that.

I told Shoto and Jiro the moment I found out.

Me: My Dad says he's coming back home
Shoto: How do you feel about it?
Me: I'm not sure.
Shoto: If my father left for a year and came back I'd throw a fit, but that's me
Me: Thx Shoto for being there <3
Shoto: Of course, darling.

The fact that he calls me "darling" always makes me laugh, but I don't expect much else in the first place.

Me: My dad sent me a text that says he's coming back.
Kyoka: Call the cops.
Kyoka: Alr, alr, well hang in there Yao-Momo
Me: Yeah.
Kyoka: Ur gonna be fine. And if ur dad turns out to be untrustworthy believe I will kick his ass
Me: I'll count on that lol

I love Kyoka so much. She's my best friend and she always has my back.

I put my phone down and look up at the ceiling. I can't wait till it's the weekend and Shoto can come back to my house. I need someone to talk to, and not in the way I talk to Mom. I've already told her how I feel about it and she's far too angry to comprehend.

I need to talk to Shoto. He'll listen.


I scroll through my new Instagram thing in my UA dorm room.

I'm in there as Todoroki.Shoto and everyone told me my user is boring, but do you really expect me to do something like DatAlienB*tch or Itsbakugoyoumotherf**kers?

Not my style.

The first thing I did was follow Momo and Bakugo and Midoriya. Midoriya accepted my request instantly but Bakugo called me with several death threats and a lot of yelling and swearing.

I'm currently looking at Momo's page. She just posted the picture of me and her at the arcade we went to yesterday. I absentmindedly read the comments.

One says "OMG you're that student hero Creati! You're so cute."

They're not wrong, I smirk.

"Hey, that's Endeavor's son. Are you dating him?" Reads another.

I read the replies underneath and I see one from Momo that says "Yes, we are." 

I scroll through Momo's page until I see one picture of her that sticks out to me. She's really cute in it. I blush and save the picture, making it my lock screen on my phone.

I click my phone off and take a short nap. I must have been asleep for about twenty minutes when I hear my dorm room door open.

"Shoto? Holy--!"

I realize that Momo is standing there, I'm wearing nothing but gym shorts and that even though my bottom half is under the covers, I'm still shirtless.

"Sorry, Momo, but why don't you ever knock?!" I almost laugh. She never thinks about it. 

"I-- Sorry." Momo stammers.

"I don't mind, I was just worried if you were going to be uncomfortable." I stare at her.

"Oh, I'm not," she says. Too fast. She hears how it sounded and bursts into laughter, and I laugh along with her. She walks over and sits on my bed, then kisses me on the cheek.

"How are you?"

"Good, how about you."

"That's what I wanted to talk about, actually."


"What happened?" Shoto asks, concern in his face.

"My father is coming and I don't know how to react. He's been gone a year and after my mom and I healed from it he has the gaul to come back and ruin everything we fought to build."

Shoto looks into my eyes, and I can see understanding and empathy in his gaze.

"It must be hard. He seems like a bastard, but I think you should give your mother a lot of attention during this time. You two need to be there for each other."

Tears prick at my eyes as I smile. Shoto knew exactly what to say to me.

I lean forward and hug Shoto, unaware that he's shirtless until I feel my hands touching skin instead of fabric. 

I feel him shift and I look at him with concern. "Something wrong?" I try not to blush, unsuccessfully. 

"Your hands are so warm, Momo."

He takes my wrists and places my hands on his chest.

"Can I kiss you, Momo?"

I nod and he touches his lips to mine.

"Thank you, Shoto. Thank you."


Momo is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I look into her gray eyes, run my fingers through her silky hair, kiss her lips.

"Shoto," she breathes, "What if someone walks in--"

"True, there may be Aizawa," I realize.

She sits up on the bed and hesitates before saying, "We can always go to my house."

I smile and kiss her again.


My mother is pacing through the house, biting her nails and actually shaking. I've never seen her this worried before.

"F**k you," I whisper under my breath, though my father won't hear me because he isn't here yet. How dare he cause my mother to act like this?

The doorbell rings.

I inhale and open the door to see my father there. He looks much different from when I last saw him. He's trimmed his mustache and gotten rid of his beard altogether, he looks much more muscular, and there's actually a smile on his face.

"There's my little Momo."

Before I can do anything about it, he hugs me so tightly that I struggle to breathe. When he finally lets go, he stares at me with a warm smile on his face. A smile that I have yet to trust. Then his eyes flick over to Mom.

"Himari," he says. I don't like her name on his tongue.

She looks away and shakes her head.

"What a crowd," he sighs. "Look, I know that I haven't made the best decisions in the past. But I'll earn your trust again. I promise."

I look right at him as I speak.

"Don't make promises that you can't keep."

Hola! (don't ask why I'm speaking Spanish, idk) Anyway, ik I've  been gone a long time but I'm back and sorry this episode was really short.

I'm not sure what to make the next episode about (ofc besides more abt Momo's dad) but feel free to leave suggestions if you want.

IF I LIKE THEM, I will use them. IF.

Anyway, peace out :)

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