"I Want To Be More Than Friends"

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Now that Todoroki and I are friends, things are less awkward. We pass each other in the halls without problems. I wave to him and he waves back. He still doesn't smile much, but I guess I don't really expect that from him.

We are now comfortable sitting beside each other in class. Things are fine.

But that doesn't stop Jiro or Uraraka.

"Getting closer to ol'  Half-N-Half, aren't we, Yao-Momo?" Jiro smirks at me as I sit down for lunch.

I roll my eyes at her. "I am not doing this with you today, Jiro-chan."

"Then how about with me?" Uraraka pipes up. "I wanna know why you and him finally decided to be friends now."

"I wanted to be his friend because he's a nice person and I figured it would make things less awkward between us," I sigh.

"And why were they awkward in the first place, Yao-Momo, hmmm?" Jiro smirks.

"Because of people like you," I chuckle, half-amused and half-irritated. "Todoroki-san told me that his friends are also teasing him about me. We decided to put an end to it. We are friends. Enough."

"If you think I believe that, you must think I'm dumb," Jiro comments.

"Well you're not acting too far from the part right now," I mumble.

Uraraka and Jiro just laugh at me. Laugh like the lunatic fangirls they are. There's nothing but friendship between me and Todoroki, why does no one see that?


"You've been spending more time with the Ponytail Girl," Bakugo comments.

"Her name is Yaoyorozu Momo," Midoriya says with a tone that says he is tired of Bakugo.

"Don't talk to me like that, Deku! I know what I said!!!" Bakugo slaps Midoriya upside the head before turning to me again. "How come, Icy-Hot?"

"We're friends now," I tell him, flat and simple. I am stating the factual truth.

"AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" I swear, Bakugo's laugh could wake the entire city. "TODOROKI'S CRUSHING ON OL'  PONYTAIL!!!!"

He really didn't have to say that out loud for everyone. But, then again, everyone is saying the same thing anyway, so why does it even matter?

Kaminari, two tables away bursts into laughter on cue.

Yaoyorozu's face is as red as a rose. It's cute the way she--



I sit in the library, spreading math books on the table and waiting for Todoroki. He just needs help with one more thing as it relates to math.

He shows up and I wave eagerly. I haven't seen him in a few days now. I missed him during that time. Thank goodness Uraraka and Jiro aren't inside my head to hear that.

"Greetings, Todoroki-san!"

"Yaoyorozu," he greets me.

"So, what part did you have a problem with?"


After helping Todoroki, we are both exhausted. I'm sitting in my chair and he's sitting in his with his forehead kissing the table. "Arigato, Yaoyorozu. My assignment will definitely be easier, now."

More Than Anything - A Todomomo fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя