The Aftertaste

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The marks humans leave are too often scars
 John Green 

Vegas POV

It's been a day since what happened with Pete and we haven't talked ever since. He keeps standing by the door guarding my room and i am still not leaving it no matter what. I am feeling so numb that i can't even work. I spend the majority of the time laying on bed, reading a book or just thinking upon everything that has happened in my messed up life. This time though, Pete is not alone outside since another bodyguard is coming in because there are people trying to infiltrate in the  minor's family house, we need to be careful. His name is Wayo and he is a loyal and friendly person. He hasn't arrived yet because it's lunch time, Pete chose not to have lunch apparently because he hasn't eaten anything. He and Wayo never talked before from what i know but it's not a problem anyways since they are probably keeping it low so i won't be bothered by it. Wayo knows about my crazy evilish personality. 

All i can think is about Pete and no one else. I even sent the Yakuza man to be taken care of by some of my afiliate loyal italians because i can't deal with that right now. Not even my father upsets me this time because he probably realised i am not taking any of his bullshit lately. The bad thing about thinking is that the more you think, the more you want to turn back to a time you know you can't. I was stressfully thinking when i heard noise outside:

-Hello Khun Pete, i am here to serve you- said Wayo jokingly bowing. 

The worst is that this idiot made Pete smile. He was smiling wide and even played along by saying:

-It's my pleasure to have your loyalty Mr. Wayo.

Them both started to laugh hard as if that wasn't the stupidiest joke in the world and even under my fucking nose. Do they think that i am what? I am their boss yet they are all friendly at the door as if they have met each other years ago. Pete was grumpy all day and suddenly a random fool make him feel all excited and happy. 

Without thinking much i simply came out of the room angrily- my shoes tapping the floor hardly- and started to walk away from that beautiful paradise to Pete. I did not look but i could feel Pete and Wayo astuned looks in my direction.  They were quick to follow me to the car but i just said grinding my teeth:

-You don't need to come. I'll go by myself. 

With that i pressed the accelarator and drove away. The car's speed was the highest i could possibly imagine but all i could think at that time was that more than anything i wanted to go away. If possibly forever. I was speeding down the road when i saw a  big truck coming into my direction. We would collide- not that i mind much- but i slid the car to the left and hit against a tree not causing much damage because i took my most expensive car- that happens to be equipped really well. I pulled away in a little parking isolated area that was not far from the place i hit. I then felt even more frustrated and hit my car's steering wheel angrily. Quickly enough, frustration and madness became sadness and before i could notice i was crying hard. I had no energy so i just laid on my broken car and fell asleep for about 2 hours. I woke up dizzy after a huge nightmare with my mom and... him- the monster- my father. Pain was all i felt. I tought about Pete and things became even worse. 

Well it's time to go back home since i can't do anything anyways. Pouring drinks is more deceiving than just heading home so i'll just go back home. 

After a tiring drove back i finally reached the building that has made me feel the most unhappy all my life. I pulled the damaged car in it's original place, not caring about anything more. My heart is much more broken and no one gives a fuck so let me and the car be alike. I left the car still feeling my head banging and dizzy and started to wander around to go to my room. I was looking down and because i couldn't walk straight it was more like i was drunk- which in fact i wasn't. 

-Vegas? Where have you been? Are you crazy? What has just happened to you? And look at your car- Pete received me with a handfull of questions.

-Pete you can go away and stop pretending you actually give a damn fuck. You made clear yesterday that you're embracing me so stop already. Stop coming with false hopes so i won't break my heart a bit more.

I then passed by him carrying all the weight of my body and headed to my room. I laid on my soft bed not wanting to live anymore. If someone came in right now i could just give up my life on them. Pete was pretty persistent because he followed me all the way from the entrace to my room silently. I kept quiet because i did not know what to do and i don't want to hurt Pete more. He approached me in the bed and insisted he wanted to talk to me.

-Vegas can you please talk to me? You know you could actually get hurt badly or even die? Do you have any considerate feelings for me, Vegas? Then talk to me.

-What if i die, Pete? Why do you fucking care? You haven't said a word to me and yet you are all laughing and jokes with Wayo. Let me be. I deserve to fucking die okay? I am a fucking monster like my father so let me just fucking die. And the worse is that i hurt you too so let me fucking die. I won't break your heart anymore.

-Do you have any idea how does that actually breaks my heart Vegas? Do you know how the fact that you want to die because of me hurts? Do you know how could you have hurt me if i was the reason for your death?- Pete started to cry endlessly.

-Pete if i die you can go back to major family for Khun Kinn and Khun no you like so much. And i don't want to live anyways so i was doing a favour to all of us- i said with a shaking voice in the verge of tears.

- Vegas...

- Pete i am truly sorry i could not fufill what i promised you about becoming better, i am sorry that my touch always hurts people and now worse than ever: i am sorry that i hurt you Pete. I am sorry that i can't be a good person for you. I am sorry that you have seen me as a monster because of what happened. I am telling you that i am sorry so you can go back to the major family, Pete. I promised i would make our love last long but because i couldn't do that because i hurt you Pete, i am sacrificing my love for you, so that you can go back to your old happiness in the major family. I will not tell anything to Kinn so just go after what makes you truly happy, Pete.

End of chapter. I am leaving this chapter with a cliff hanger hehe. What do you guys think is going to happen? Next chapter is Pete's POV. Thank you everything for once again. 🥰🥰

(Don't kill me lol)


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