loving you is the hardest thing

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Sometimes we create our own
heartbreak through expectations

Pete POV
Today is going to be intense! I am meeting Khun Kinn shortly to update him about my mission. Which mission? I already messed everything so there is nothing much to say. I feel deeply bad about lying to him but i have no choice. Heading there feels the most painful. I am so nervous i cant stop holding hands and sweating hard.
Finally i got here by car all by myself. This strange familiar sense of home came though its not the same as before. I barely put my foot out and Khun Tankhun is already hugging me tight being all dramatic- nothing diffrent here.
-Pete i miss you so much. Its no fun without you!! You are staying tonight right? So you can watch dramas with me all along!
-P', Pete is on mission. We have talked about this before!- Khun Kinn said showing up after Khun no.
-Oiii Kinn!! You are always destroying my happiness. You can take other people- he rolled his eyes- so why Pete?
Khun Kinn ignored all the drama and we went inside to his office to talk privately.
-Pete how are things going? Apparently well because he hasn't been around, not even with Porsche. I have to congratulate you, Pete. I knew you were the right choice- i am not so sure of that but whatever- i am really satisfied.
-Yes Khun Kinn. I couldn't say anything more! What would i say? No Khun Kinn i am actually sleeping on the bed of the enemy as he hugs me tightly and i kiss him.
He then said:
-Take this Pete! You deserve it. It was an envelope full of money! I for sure do not but i can't refuse- all for the sake of the plan of course, who do you think i am?
Khun Kinn insisted i should leave and hurry before Vegas become to suspicious about me leaving, and told me i should say i visited Tankhun because he was whiny- which was not entirely a lie but that was not needed. Despite of everything my heart is extremly heavy and i feel that anything more can break it more. I am in a war zone full of explosive bombs and grenades in which both sides attack and i am just trying to survive there. I didn't even ask for this but well god gives the toughest fights to his stronger soldiers- my grandma always said that. As everything was done i headed back to the minor family house and went to Vegas room. Oddly enough he was not there so i asked a bodyguard who told me he was busy on the cave with a yakuza. I rushed there and saw one of the most terrifying scenes ever: Vegas was torturing the man already fully covered on blood, and worse he was enjoying it as if that was all a show for him. I hanged by the door watching that in shock until i went backwards and banged against something that made all the room echoe. When Vegas heard this, he turned his face to me and seeing his hands covered on blood made me feel sick to the point that i wanted to throw up. This is the mafia world anyways but not even in the major family house i had the displeasure to witness something so horrendous.
I quickly went upstairs feeling sick with my stomach fighting for life not to throw up and completly ignoring Vegas who was calling me. He then grabed my arm and tried to explain what the fuck was going on there, but all i could think about was the Vegas i just saw enjoying torture and pain. I knew Vegas was quite temperemental but this was to much to bare specialy after my meeting with Khun Kinn and Khun no.
When he finished, in the heat of the moment, i just said to him all bad things: from how Khun Kinn would never do that to how he was putting up in a performance. When i was done with all of that Vegas looked at me right before he fell on his knees and started to cry.
-Why is everything always about Kinn, Pete? Because Kinn doesn't torture people, because Kinn would never do that. You know what? I am not like Kinn, fuck. For once can people stop comparing me with Kinn? Because Kinn never tortured a man, because i am not like fucking Kinn okay? Because i as the minor family have to do all the dirty job just for Kinn to walk around pretensiously.  You said you would be here for me, Pete. You said we would go through our diffrences together didn't you?
His words came in as a bullet to my heart. If Vegas torturing someone was terrifying i just said the most painful words i could ever say to him. I, like Khun Kan who i always greatly despised, compared Vegas to Kinn and before i could think of it, i said all that to Vegas out of angriness. This is the worst. I feel like i've opened a scar on Vegas that can no longer be fixed and i saw a sight of Vegas that i'll always remember. As i felt the impact of everything that was happening at once, i too fell on the floor and broke down crying endlessly. The room was now filled with the echo of two people with wrecked hearts crying for the most painful things. Because the most painful things in life come from the people we love the most, and because i and Vegas can't turn our backs to what just happened but we are to scared to face it. Facing it means embracing it as real and reality hurts.

End of chapter!! I am truly sorry guys! Don't worry, next chapters are going to be happier and less painful hopefully 🥲! I feel like VegasPete should face this diffrent sides of them  specialy because they are going to be in an overlasting relationship. Thank you for all of your love and support!!
See you soon💞

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