29. Up Against The Wall Kiss

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Being a chameleon had its perks.

For starters, invisibility was a rather neat skill indeed, Espio smiled to himself as he noiselessly moved through the office of the Agency. Unable to be detected by vision, sneaking by those less perceptive than him, gathering information on any amount of topics without those discussing said information knowing and leaving unseen before they could figure it out; turning entirely see-through had great uses. Not only in his line of work, but also...

"Gotcha! ...Oh, no, I didn't."

Silently moving one hand over his face to stop any wayward chuckle from spilling out the chameleon grinned at Silver's agitatedly-flicking ears as the other scrambled out from under Vector's desk, quills bristling and somewhat dusty indeed. For some reason the chameleon had still not figured out, the other adored playing hide-and-seek with him, and with Charmy and Vector running errands in the rain-filled city they had had the whole house to themselves the entire afternoon already. The first few bouts of the silly game had gone by well enough, with some creative hiding spots created by psychokinesis giving Silver an unfair advantage... which could not stand, Espio had decreed with a smirk and fading scales as the other was counting with his hands adorably clasped over his face, and Silver had been looking for him ever since.

Said hedgehog was still peeking around the living room with narrowed eyes, the view rather adorable indeed as Espio beheld him fondly. "You better not have turned invisible, Espio! You know we said that wasn't allowed!" was cried out into the space with only The Greatest Disdain. "Or I'll use my powers to find you, and you'll be sorry!"

The cyan marks on the psychic's hands glimmered threateningly at that, and noiselessly the chameleon moved over to the recently-searched desk to stand behind Silver instead; his beloved was clever but predictable too, and Espio was well aware he always first sent out his powers into his field of vision before expanding them through the whole room. "Hmpf," the other groused, jumping over the couch next and landing with a victorious cry... as his feet met wooden flooring and no ninja bodies like he presumably had hoped. "...Oh. You asked for it now!!"

Most people were unaware of when the psychic was sending out his powers, though Espio had long trained himself to recognise the cues. And indeed, a tiny orb of cyan that was almost as see-through as he was rose from Silver's left pointer finger, darting underneath the couch as the hedgehog leered at said furniture and the ninja sidestepped as far as he could out of its reach. The pillows were next, as was the table and the rug underneath -how in the world would he ever fit under that, Espio permitted himself to ponder, but then he decreed this was Silver and the other sometimes had odd ideas about how the world functioned- before the spark ended with a resultless investigation of the other sofa. "Aw, come on," Silver pouted, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't have gone upstairs..."

Espio grinned at that, gaze flicking over the room as he prepared himself for what would happen next; his beloved would close his eyes and the spark of cyan would pick up on its movements, and the whole room would be scrutinised in a matter of seconds... and he would be found, if he didn't act quickly. Going upstairs was indeed impossible, Silver was perceptive enough to pick up on a door mysteriously opening... but he did not need to leave to avoid being detected, Espio grinned as he snuck over to one of the walls. Not when he had another trick up his sleeve.

Because another neat skill of chameleons was that they could scale all surfaces vertical with little issue.

Placing his hands onto the somewhat-tatty stones of the wall Espio dug in his fingers just barely, pulling up his legs next and scampering up silently until he was hanging fully upside-down from the ceiling. Underneath him Silver was glaring at all corners of the room, the only indication of his powers being the slight distortion in the air around him- but he would not be found up here, Espio grinned most smugly. There was no way Silver would be able to detect him, and even if he did, how would he get him down? Sure, the other could fling a book such other object at him, or pull him down with his powers, but that was not the time traveller's style. As long as Espio stayed entirely invisible, he would be just fine-

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