24. Caught in the Rain

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Autumn certainly was something intriguing, because suddenly everything looked so different.

"It is too cold outside and there is not enough light throughout the day anymore, that is why the leaves are changing colour. Soon the trees will begin dropping them all to the ground," Espio had explained to him at Silver's inquiring of just what the heck was going on with the plantlife outside, the hedgehog having returned from a simple walk with many a question about the changes in their environment. Where the trees had contained fresh green and rustling branches for the whole time he had been in the past so far his eyes had fallen increasingly more often on patches of brown and red inbetween... He had feared the trees were suffering from some illness, but Espio had merely chuckled and explained. "Then for a while it will be cold and there will be only few plants, and little greenery. That is called winter, and after that spring will come and it will all grow back again, and the weather will warm up until it becomes summer once more." The chameleon's smile also had grown more warmly at that, hands trailing over soft grey quills and a small peck getting pressed against Silver's forehead. "We met in summer, you and me."

The psychic had nodded and beamed and snuggled close to his beloved, both contemplating the slightly chilly outside world behind the window of the living room- the psychic himself in innocent wonder of this new occurrence, and Espio looking at it with new eyes following their conversation, the chameleon told him when asked. They had moved to the kitchen afterwards to make warm chocolate and had gone to bed cuddling under their thick blanket, but the views from outside that had made him so confused refused to leave Silver's mind. It had something pretty to it, the reds and yellows where there used to be green... That had been yesterday, and inbetween his short bouts of sleep Silver had thought over the concept of autumn only more. The few trees he had seen when out and about the day before on the streets surely did not capture the entirety of the experience...

"I want to go outside," he proclaimed, darkness enshrouding him in their bedroom and his voice breaking through the peaceful silence of their quiet breaths, and the way Espio grunted and opened one sleep-infused eye to glare at him with made his nose twitch most amusedly.

"Then go."

"With you."

"It's early."

"You haven't even looked at your alarm clock yet."

Neither had he, actually, and Silver's ears drooped slightly guiltily as his beloved narrowed his eyes at the clock that proclaimed it to currently be just a bit before 7. And he was only allowed to wake up Espio if it was after 7... Hm. "Okay, so it may still be early indeed, but I have to see the leaves! If they fall down before I can see them I don't know what they look like," the psychic explained, impatiently waiting for Espio to finish yawning and stretching. "Es!! You said they were going to fall down! We need to go to the park, so I can see all the trees there before it's too late!"

A grumble resounded from where the chameleon flopped down onto the bed anew and all but hid his face into his pillow. "They'll do the same next year, tenshi. And they won't fall down that quickly, you know."

With a pout Silver poked the other's cheek, or at least the little bit that was still visible. "I can't know, because I've never seen them before." Laughing as strong arms wrapped around him and lifted both of them from the mattress after all the psychic leaned his head over to nuzzle his sleepy beloved; if Espio deposited both of them on the wooden floor of their bedroom it could only mean he had accepted his fate of going out early and look at the trees. Though, with a single statement maybe Silver could cheer his beloved up just a little... Coyly the hedgehog grinned and cupped a peach cheek to trail over it with his thumb. "And I want to see it with you."

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