21. Knuckle Kiss

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For some reason which Silver still has not figured out, Espio appears to be enamoured with his body.

"Espio is not really one for touches 'n stuff, but he seems to love cuddling you," Vector had said once when coming across the two lovers snuggling on the couch, the chameleon who wasn't as asleep as the crocodile and hedgehog had presumed at that moment merely huffing and holding Silver more tautly against his chest, and so far it had been nothing but truth. The psychic can only assume it's because he's so fluffy and soft to the touch, something rather different than Espio himself – not that he would love the other any less for that, the sturdy purples scales able to change hues in the blink of an eye a source of great intrigue for the intrepid hedgehog – and Silver gladly lets his beloved indulge at times. If there's anything Espio is good at, it's making him sink into a puddle of touch-induced bliss, after all.

"Tenshi," the voice that makes him so happy whispers, and Silver squeaks as the other settles next to him on the carpet. "What are you doing on the ground, my love?" he is asked amusedly, his wagging tail getting trailed over gently and a shiver running over his spine at the touch.

"Was jumping between the furniture, fell down," the hedgehog lazily explains, not bothering to move from where he is laying face-first on the ground. "Didn't wanna get up."

A soft finger prods into his side next and makes him giggle. "You can fly."

"Flying is not accommodated by zoomies," Silver shoots back, though his powers do accommodate lifting him up and depositing him right on top of Espio's legs without him needing to consciously direct them to. A favourite spot of his, though he gets taken off the ground by strong arms and gentle hands next as the chameleon moves to sit down on the couch instead. A kiss to his brow, five fingers moving to rub over his stomach; he is purring like a freight train in seconds as he is beheld fondly.

"One of these days you will fall wrongly and get horribly injured, my love. What will I do then?"

"Make me feel better, like you always do." Smiling back up at warm golden eyes Silver noses Espio's shoulders, his own hand slipping over the chameleon's and giving it a squeeze. He likes taking naps and playing games and going absolutely wild inside the office, often only moments after each other, but if there's one thing he infinitely prefers over that... "Cuddles?"

"I am cuddling you right now, my needy small one," Espio chastises him lovingly, his fingers on Silver's stomach beginning to make gentle circling motions and his other hand trailing past his ears, along his back quills, to his neck and fluff and the sensitive skin hidden behind layers of sharp spines. Cooing in delight at the pleasurable feelings Silver sinks against the other more, the latter's chuckle making him beam. "Is this good?" the ninja adds in a whisper, getting a content nod in return. They have done this more often than Silver can count now, and it never, ever fails to make him feel anything other than utter bliss and happiness.

The room falling silent other than his purrs and mews Silver oozes against Espio, but then the other stops his caresses with a contemplative hum. "Hey," the hedgehog protests, opening one eye to fix the chameleon in a most disdained glare. "Mew?!"

"Sorry, tenshi," the chameleon apologises with his lips twitching up amusedly. "But your powers."

"My... oh." Peeking over to his stomach where his hand is clutching Espio's Silver blinks at the clear glow of cyan emanating from it, a few small objects cluttering their table bobbing gently in the blue-tinted air. "Woops," he notes with a soft chuckle himself, a mere twitch of his finger enough to make everything fall back into its place again and tug the swirls of psychokinesis back into his body. "You're too good at this, Es. Can't control them anymore."

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