Chapter 8: God Help the Outcasts

Start from the beginning

She shushed him and pointed to Esmeraldo.

"Oh." He whispered.

🎵Esmeraldo: "God, help my people, we look to you still. God, help the outcasts, or nobody will."🎵

Esmeraldo walked passed a line of people entering the church that had come to pray.

🎵Chorus: "I asked for wealth. I ask for fame. I ask for glory to shine on my name."🎵

🎵Chorus: "I ask for love I can possess. I ask for God and his angels to bless me."🎵

🎵Esmeraldo: "I ask for nothing, I can get by. But I know so many less lucky than I."🎵

Esmeraldo kept walking through the church, not noticing that Quasimodo and (Y/n) had come down to watch him.

🎵Esmeraldo: "Please help my people, the poor and downtrod. I thought we all were the children of God."🎵

🎵Esmeraldo: "God, help the Outcast children of God."🎵

Djali came up beside him and Esmeraldo bent down to hug him.

(Y/n) smiled and sighed and smiled at the gypsy man. He was so kind and caring, she couldn't help but admire him.

Quasimodo looked between his sister and Esmeraldo, suspicion crossing his face.

"What?" She asked, noticing the look he was giving her.

Quasimodo was about to reply but they were interrupted by a voice.

"You! Bell ringer! What are you doing down here?" A man yelled at Quasimodo.
Quasimodo stumbled back and knocked over a candelabra, the sound gaining Esmeraldo's attention.

"Haven't you caused enough trouble already?"

Quasimodo quickly ran away.

"Quasi!" (Y/n) followed after him.

"Wait!" Esmeraldo called.

(Y/n) ignored him and continued to go after her brother. (Y/n) ran up a spiral staircase, Esmeraldo chasing after her.

"Come back!"


(Y/n) ran along the bridge that connected the two towers, and the three gargoyles saw Esmeraldo following her.

"Look, she's got a friend with him." Laverne pointed out.

"Yeah, maybe today wasn't a total loss after all." Hugo added.

"A vision of loveliness." Victor declared.

"The boy ain't bad either." Hugo said.

(Y/n) entered a room and the three gargoyles leapt down and surrounded her.

"Way to go (Y/n)!"

"We knew you had it in ya."

"Got the boys chasing you already."

"Can't say I'm surprised, she's a natural beauty."

"A-Actually guys, I-."

"You mustn't run too fast, or he'll get away." Victor told her.

"Yes, I-I know, that's what I-!"

"Give him some slack, then reel him in. Then give him some slack, and real him in." Hugo explained.

Laverne hit Hugo on the head. "Knock it off Hugo. He's a man, not a mackerel."

(Y/n) managed to get away from them and tried to keep following after Quasimodo when Esmeraldo caught up to her, and grasped her hand.

"There you are. I was afraid I'd lost you again."

"Yes, well, I...uh...I need to find my brother...and then I have chores to do, but it was nice talking to you again." (Y/n) pulled her hand away and rushed up another set of stairs.

"Now-Now hold on a moment!" Esmeraldo sprinted after her and blocked her against a pillar.

"I am not letting you go anywhere until I you tell me your name. We had an agreement, remember?" He smirked.

She crossed her arms. "Technically, I never agreed to anything."

"Technically, you also didn't not agree to anything." He shrugged casually.

The girl huffed and rolled her eyes, but gave in anyway. "My name is (Y/n)."

She extended her hand for him to shake, but he planted a kiss on her knuckles instead.

"That's quite a beautiful name."

"(Y/n), would you mind helping me with...oh!"

Quasimodo had come down and saw Esmeraldo standing a little too close to his sister, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, hello again." Esmeraldo greeted.

Quasimodo didn't reply. He just turned and left. (Y/n) pushed past Esmeraldo and followed her brother, Esmeraldo hot on her heels.

"Hey, wait! I'm really sorry about this afternoon." Esmeraldo called after him.

Esmeraldo and (Y/n) followed after him.

"I had no idea who you were." Esmeraldo climbed up a ladder and what he saw paused his apology. "I would never in my life have pulled you...up...on...the...stage."


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