💖 Chapter 13💖

Start from the beginning

Izzy :Are you gonna marry Lydia?? 

Alec :no!!! … if it's not magnus then no one else… (Alec said and stood on his feet) I am hungry..(he said and left) 

Izzy was sitting on the couch holding her head… she didn't know what else to do.. 


It's the day of presentation for the bigger project.. Every officiant was there to review their company work.. His MD chose Magnus and Raphael to complete the project; they did it before the deadline.. 

Raphael :Did you take everything.. Pen Drives, work file and the model everything…?? (he asked holding a bundle of papers) 

Magnus :relax buddy… all done.. Everything is in the presentation room.. I kept it in order.. 

After alec left this is the first he is going to the presentation room.. One they enter the room it is dark as always.. Everyone is waiting eagerly for the presentation… 

Magnus starts with a welcome which spreads a smile on everyone's face… his MD nodded with a smile… 

The thin curtain moving on the window disturbing him but emitting lights on the gap… magnus looked at the curtain more than 5 times while presenting the project… it's distracting him too much… so He stopped for a second and continued… 

He was facing the monitor And explaining the project.. A limited amount of air sneaks through the thin gap which  caresses his neck and he feels goosebumps all over his neck and shoulder… he stopped his words and swallowed hard by rubbing his neck…his sweating all of sudden.. 

Raphael :buddy are you okay 

Magnus :yeah!! (he smiled and 

He tried to ignore and continued again) 

All he can feel is goosebumps again…

Magnus :Raphael could you continue this..(he asked) 

Raphael :sure!! (he looked him confusingly who is leaving the hall by apologising everyone) 

MD :Are you okay Mr. Bane?? 

Magnus:yes sir.. I am a little drowsy.. I will be back… just give me 5 minutes (he excused and walked away) 

He stood in front of the window which opened up to his waistline… he took a water bottle from the vending machine and drank it in one sip.. When the fresh  air slapped on his face again . He suddenly turns around and sees Alec's chair which is empty.. He got the same feeling he had the night after their  hookup.. That's a weird and lonely feeling again like something is missing … 

Magnus sat on his chair and he didn't move an inch… thanks to Raphael he completed the presentation… they are all happy about it… 

Magnus saw his MD walking towards him.. "sir..i am sorry.. I" he couldn't finish it.. 

MD :it's okay man.. your work is good… but take care of your health too (he said and patted) 

Once he left.. Raphael approached him… "are you okay buddy??" he asked…" yeah… can we go for lunch ??" I think I am hungry,"Magnus said to change the subject… 

He knows it's just a minute of feeling, he will be alright soon.. At Least that's what he hope… 

They were in the food court.. Raphael was talking with Simon on the phone… Magnus was staring at the seat opposite to him while playing with his spoon on his plate… Magnus left the place without eating a spoon a good.. Raphael looks at his plate and saw a magnus leaving without eating 

Raphael :Hey, aren't you hungry?? 

Magnus :I lost my appetite… (he faked his  smile and walked away) 

The day was hell.. He can't do anything.. He just kept staring at the empty monitor screen.. He went to the parking lot in the evening… he opened his car door before getting in.. He looked at the bike parking section and shook his head.. He got inside the car.. He is full of anger, he doesn't know why… He drives to his place forgetting to take Raphael with him.. Because he was shouting his name and running behind the car till The exit gate… 

Raphael :what happened to him?? (he asked to himself) 

Throughout the way Magnus feels like shit…he kicks the steering wheel often and often with his fist..once he reaches he shuts the car door without locking it….he storms into the room.. He hates himself for being like this… he throws everything on the floor, table, chair, decore items, books everything… he had plenty of hookups but why is this bothering him so much.. 

He took the bedspread and rolled it like trash, he threw it on the laundry.. He doesn't want those intoxicating smells to take him over anymore.. This loneliness is totally consuming him… "ARGHHHH" he held his head and shouted like a mad person, tears falling without any reason… he threw a waise on the bed which hit on the nightstand, he push the night stand down in anger, the wine glass fell on the ground and the lid hit his flew and hit his hand  … a bit of paper under the lid stuck on his wet hand … he took it In his hand.. 

There written 

Thank you for the wonderful night magnus!!! 😊.. With a smiley

 (And at the bottom around the corner there written ) 

With love


He held it tight on his chest and smiled through tears…. He doesn't know whether it's pain or happiness.. It's kind of mixed feelings for him… he smiled like he found a lost piece of his soul.. ("what if I want this with you?? "."looks like your party today" .. "I don't believe in rumors.. I don't care even if it's true"...... "you are the person I used to read in fairytale"... "trust makes you to do strange things".... "why don't you find someone else?" ) the words of alec were echoing in his head and the laughing sound of alec was playing on repeat mode like  a scratched recorder…Now he knows what he wants, now he knows what is bothering him…and now he knows what he has to fight for.. He know that he can't bottle up those feelings anymore 💝TBC 💝

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