Not Her - Draco Malfoy One Shot

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"Y/N get the door" her mother called from upstairs. Y/N sighed and put down her book as she walked to their door. "How can I-" her bones went old, and she stopped talking immediately when she saw who it was. Lucius Malfoy, a pompous prick with ridiculously long hair, she would've rolled her eyes if she wasn't so terrified. Standing next to him however, shrouded in a long black robe that was hooded over his face was him. The dark Lord, at her house. Y/N knew her parents were death eaters and occasionally talked to Voldemort occasionally, but she never thought they were important enough for him to show up at their house. Lucius swept past her offering a swift nod, Voldemort moved at the same speed but somehow it seemed much slower, the second he took to look her up and down felt like years. She stood still for a moment eager to put as much distance between her and the wizard as possible. Y/N's mum came downstairs and upon seeing who it was called her husband.

After Malfoy and Voldemort had been ushered into chairs with a tray of teacups set in front of them Voldemort began to speak. His very voice sent chills down her spine, they exchanged polite pleasantries and greetings, asking about the whether and that sorts but the air was thick with tension. So thick it felt as if Y/N were suffocating. She sat rigid in her chair smiling and sipping tea every so often. Finally, the chatter came to a silence and Y/N knew the real reason why they were here was about to be revealed. "You remember what we talked of last meeting" Voldemort said, and Y/N's mother nodded. "Y/N has been chosen to help" Any other parent, any parent who cared about their child would've gone pale, started crying maybe even plead with the dark lord to spare their child. But Y/N saw her mother smile, almost in relief and she couldn't tell whether she was angry or scared. No matter what came out of the Dark Lord's mouth could be good, to be chosen by Voldemort is to be chosen by death itself.

"Y/N" Lucius said turning to her, the first time he made eye contact with her in the last twenty minutes. "Draco has been given a task, that he will complete during the school year. It is difficult, risky, and crucial to the Dark Lord's plan. But we feel he will pull it off" he took a breath before continuing. "Per the Dark Lord's evaluation, you have been chosen to help him, in any way he requires" he stopped her, and I waited for him to continue. "So, what is it? The task?" I asked and they all glanced away except Voldemort, but I avoided his eyes at all costs. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my mother bit her lip and heard my father sucking in a breath. I expected Lucius to speak but once again the voice of the dark lord spoke, his raspy voice making his next statement even more sinister than the words itself. "The task Draco will undertake, with your help" he paused.

"Is killing Albus Dumbledore" my blood went cold. Murdering one of the greatest wizards of our time. With Draco asshole Malfoy. There's not a chance in hell. I opened my mouth to argue but Voldemort held up a hand signifying he was not finished. "If you choose to opt out or disobey me you will face a torture so evil, so dark you will be begging for mercy. And you will not get it." I tried to think of any way to get out of this any way at all. "Plus, Bella has been longing to have some fun with your little mud blood friend." He added. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, no matter how much I loathed Draco, and murder there was no way I was going to let it hurt my friends. "Fine"

(7 months later)

"I'm still not sure why you keep talking to him Y/N" Ron said as he, Harry and I walked to potions. "Our parents are working together more, and I don't wanna deal with someone who hates me" I lied. "Pretty sure he still hates you, and he always tells you what to do" Harry argued. "It's Malfoy he'd hate an angel" Ron added. Y/N rolled her eyes. "Doesn't matter, point is I am talking to him, and I will continue to do so" I said before speeding up to talk to a friend in Ravenclaw.

"Put that bird inside and we'll try again" Draco ordered. I coaxed the small dove out of its cage and placed him inside the large wardrobe. He took a deep breath before waving his wand and muttering the incantation. "Harmonia Nectere Passus... Harmonia Nectere Passus...Harmonia Nectere Passus..." He paused after he repeated the spell three times before opening the vanishing cabinet door. The white dove that previously sat on one of the shelves was now gone. He smiled triumphantly and closed the door again. Different from his usual smirk, it was a real smile something I hadn't seen for a while.

 It was cute in a way. I used to have a crush on Draco, a long time ago before Hogwarts and before he turned into an arrogant prick. But six years in Hogwarts of him being a bloody idiot and me being friends with the golden trio had made us grow to hate each other. "You don't have to do this you know" I told him as he prepared to recite the spell again. "Yeah, so you've told me for the last 4 months" Draco said rolling his eyes. "You know this isn't the right thing to do" I tried again. I expected him to roll his eyes, maybe even snicker. "The right thing isn't always the best choice" He muttered quietly before closing his eyes again. 

"Harmonia Nectere Passus... Harmonia Nectere Passus...Harmonia Nectere Passus..." One last deep breath. Y/N obviously wanted it to fail but a part of her wanted it to work just for Draco. He tugged open the heavy door and his face was expressionless for a moment. Before he slammed the door closed and smashed his fist against the ornate carvings on the outside of the wardrobe. He rested his forehead against the door nails scraping on the wood. He pulled away from it and kicked the bottom before sinking down with his back to the cabinet. He placed his head in his hands and sighed deeply. "Just leave" he whispered to her "Please" Y/N hesitated but walked out of the room of requirement.

(2 months later)

Draco stood at the top of the astronomy tower, arms shaking and tears spilling down his cheeks. "I have to do this" he told Dumbledore repeating his mantra for the last 10 months aloud. "I have to kill you" he choked out, voice breaking towards the end. Dumbledore said something to him, but the words didn't reach Draco's ears. All he could hear was Y/N's voice echoing in the back of his head. Telling him he didn't have to this, that it wasn't right. Y/N the girl he used to like in first year and had fallen in love with again this year. Y/N who was currently hidden under the staircase listening to everything he and Dumbledore said. 

Draco's mouth went dry, and his body froze, he couldn't kill him... he couldn't. Just as the thought entered his mind Snape swept up from the staircase and stood in front of Draco. Following him were a few death eaters and his aunt Bellatrix, dragging a bound Y/N with her. "Not her" he groaned internally. "Anyone but her!" he would have screamed if he had the ability. Draco had never been more scared in his life, not for himself but for Y/N. Draco was so busy staring at Y/N in Bellatrix's hold he almost didn't hear the words. "Avada Kedavra" a blast of light shot from the end of Snape's wand to hit Dumbledore's chest. He keeled over backwards and off the Astronomy Tower. Snape didn't bother to check, instead ushering the others off the tower. As they walked through the halls, Bella was being anything but gentle with Y/N. She kept screeching about how the only reason Draco didn't complete the mission was because he had fallen in love, with a girl. 

She threw Y/N down and stepped on her stomach to make sure she wouldn't stand. She lit a tapestry behind her on fire and the stepped back. "Have fun dearie" she said before running of with a cackle. Draco broke out of a death eater's grasp and sprinted to Y/N. He pulled her onto her feet and toward the dungeons. "Where are you going?" Y/N asked as Draco yanked her through the dark corridors. "There's a tunnel here, that leads to Hogsmeade" he said pulling aside a deserted painting. Y/N climbed inside, and Draco followed her. 

About fifteen minutes later they emerged on the roof of Quality Quidditch Supplies. Draco quietly helped her down from the hatch on the ceiling and they started to walk toward the mountains. "Where are we gonna go?" she asked, and Draco pondered her question. "Anywhere I can keep you safe"

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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