Good to bad to perfect - James One shot

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"50 to 30, Gryffindor!" Cody Jensen shouted into the microphone. It was the middle of the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw Quidditch match and James and Y/N playing seeker for their houses. I flew around the pitch searching for the golden ball when suddenly I caught a glint of gold in the corner of my eye. I sped toward the snitch but since James had been on the opposite side of the pitch he was still far behind. The wind was rushing past my ears, stinging my eyes, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I leaned further forward, slowly gaining on the snitch. 

Then with a thud my vision went blurry, I went spinning through the air and as hard as I tried to pull my broom up my strength was failing. My eyes slipped shut as I crashed to the ground with a thud. "Y/N!" I heard faint voice calling but I fell unconscious before I could tell who it was. I blinked my eyes open before shutting them tightly when I felt the throbbing pain in my head. 

"She's awake," someone said from somewhere near the edge of the bed. I finally opened my eyes to see Y/F/N, Y/BF/N, Remus, Sirius and James crowded around my bed, James still in his Quidditch robes. What happened" I asked looking around at all of them. "You were hit on the head with a bludger," Y/BF/N said. "Took a right nasty fall as well" Sirius added. "James carried you off the pitch and brought you here," Y/F/N said. James looked down at his lap a light blush dusting his cheek "Guys" James mumbled. "Could you leave us alone for a bit," he asked. "Sure" Remus replied ushering them out while your friends snickered and Sirius wiggled his eyebrows at you. 

Your boyfriend looked at you for a moment before saying "Don't ever do that to me again... You scared me so bad." He said hugging you gently. "Well thanks to you I'm okay" you replied smiling at him. "Also under orders from Madam Pomfrey, I will get anything you need as long as it doesn't involve you getting up because you need a lot of rest." He smirked at you. "Can I cuddle with my boyfriend?" I questioned teasingly. He climbed into the little bed and pulled me into his chest. I breathed in his sweet scent of old wood and summer rain while he ran his hands through my hair. I nuzzled my face into him and his chest rumbled as he chuckled. 

We stayed like this for a while, just happy to be in each other's arms. I looked to find his hazel eyes staring at me lovingly. "I love you, Princess," he said bringing his soft, warm lips to mine in a sweet kiss. "I love you too," said smiling up at him then looking down at our intertwined legs. "You know, once you get better we could have some fun in a different bed," James said biting his lip suggestively. "James!" I scolded him, hitting his arm lightly before bringing him closer to me if that was even possible. He laid his chin on top of my head as I tangled my fingers in his brown locks. This day had gone from perfect. 

This is pretty short but it's just a whole lot of fluffy James :)

I wrote this at like one in the morning :|

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