Ice Skating Incident - Ron One Shot

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(Takes place after the war)

It was the middle of winter and a blanket of snow coated the city. Y/N and Ron were staying at a cabin near the lake, which was now an unofficial ice rink. I laughed as Ron fell on his but for the 1000th time and skated over to help him get up. But when I reached out my hand he grabbed it and pulled me to fall on top of him. I laughed even harder as we tried to catch our breath from laughing and started skating around once again. Our gloved hands held us together as we watched the other families skate. "Hey, let's have a race" Ron said smirking at me.

"Three laps around the lake, loser makes hot chocolate when we get back to the cabin. Deal?" He looked at me smugly. "Deal" I agreed, knowing I could easily outskate him. So the race began and in no time I was on my second lap. Suddenly I came crashing down, my hands preventing my face from hitting the ice. I realised, I must have slipped on a chunk of ice and started to get up when I heard a crack. I immediately froze knowing that I might make it worse if I tried to stand. Then Ron appeared in front of me.

"It's okay angel, we just have to be careful okay." I nodded at him slowly. "Okay move your left foot" Ron said cautiously. I slowly dragged my leg into a sort've kneeling position. "Crack". "Now the other one." I carefully move my right leg nearer to my left. Two more cracks. I tried to move my right leg into a kneeling position, while moving as little as possible when I heard the loudest and final "CRACK" I was plunged down into the icy water. It felt as if my bones were on fire and a thousand knives were piercing my body all at once. I tried to swim to the surface but my limbs wouldn't move. The last of my strength left me as my eyes slipped closed, the last thing I saw was dark blue waters and the hazy white sky above it.

Time Skip:

I jerked up and water flooded out of my mouth. I coughed heavily until it was all out. Just then Ron ran into the room and saw me awake. "Oh angel, thank goodness you're okay, I- I got so worried and then-" "Ron what happened?" I cut him off with a hoarse voice. "You fell in the lake" he said wrapping the blanket tighter around my shoulders. "Then I jumped in and pulled you out. You were unconscious, so I brought you back here." 

He finished glancing over me worriedly. "Do you need anything? I changed your clothes, there's a hot water bottle by your feet and the blanket" he said gesturing to each thing as he said it. Then his ears flushed red as he realised what he had said. "Not like that, it was just because your clothes were wet and I had to get you warm so..." he looked down at his lap and scratched the back of his head.

I stared at him lovingly wondering how I'd managed to get such a caring boyfriend. "Actually... Can I have some hot chocolate?" I asked shyly, feeling like he had already done enough. "Sure" Ron said and he jumped up and went into the kitchen. I warmed my hands by the roaring fire until he came back. I curled back up into my fluffy blanket as he handed a mug to me. I snuggled into his side as I sipped the warm liquid. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer into him.

Once we had both finished our hot chocolate and the fire had nearly died down Ron pulled me into his lap and I laid my head on his shoulder. "I was so scared" he said rubbing the back of my arm. "When I pulled you out... Your lips were blue, you were barely breathing and I..." a tear slipped down his face. I wrapped my hands around his neck and whispered "Don't worry, I'll always be here...Whether or not you want me to."

I pulled back to smile at him and he smiled back, laughing gently. He moved his hand to hold me cheek and brought his lips to mine. His warm lips were against my cold ones, I smiled into the kiss. It was short but meaningful, showing me exactly how Ron felt about the day's events. We stayed like that, cuddled up by the fire for the rest of the day.

Short and sweet :)

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