"For gods sake. Now i am offended, i am going home." Seb joked while me and Charles burst into laughter.

"Please don't, i will give you a good question." i said.

"Fine. I am listening."

"Whats the maximum amount of ducks you would swim with without feeling afraid?" Nat blurted out the dumbest question ever.

"Uff depends, if they are baby ducks i would say like 10 but if they are grown ducks like 5-6."

We were both serious but Charles wasn't having it. I am pretty sure he cried a little while laughing.

"Can i get a question too." Charles looked at Natasha with puppy eyes.

"What do you think about Teletubbies changing ther vacuum color from blue to orange?"

"They what?! I have to google this." he took his phone from his pocket "WHY MY BOY NUU NUU. Now i am pissed, i demeand a better question."

"Fineeeee. If soap falls on the floor is the soap dirty or the floor clean?"

"Uh, 43."

"Must be nice to hold eye contact with a hot ferrari driver." a girl shouted.

Just then Nat noticed she held eye contact with Charles, for a little too long. He was very handsome.

I don't likee him but his eyes are magical. Girl get a hold of yourself. she thought.

"Honey i drive for Alfa Romeo." Nat quickly replayed to the girl. Both men laughed.

"Can we get back to normal questions now?" reporter asked.

"I suppose, although i would like more duck questions."

"Ok Natasha this is for you." Seb groaned from boredom. "Is it true that you slept your way up to f1. There is a lot of evidence that you slept with team bosses."

This guy is getting killed tonight. Slay, littearlly. Rowel thought about an respectful answer and just thru that thought away. Seb was giving her signals to take it over,but Nat just shook her head.

"Oh boy. The disrespect, the NERVE. Respectfully suck my big balls. What's your problem. That i am a girl or that i am younger or that i am both and still more successful?" Lori is probably not happy.

Natasha was pissed but they couldn't see it, she was cold. Cold, cold. She opened up a little and it struck her. Reporters writing articles about how she is a bitch, so she decided to show them what that means.

After a few questions we were free to go. Reporters purposely avoided Nat. It was nice accually, she got some free time.

Rowel walked Lori to her room then went to hers when she spotted a familiar face.

"Hello reporters new fear."

"Hello to you too Charles. Not like we saw each other like 15 mins ago." Stop using like every two seconds you socially ackward dumbass.

"Omg that was so long ago." he joked.

"Do you just stand around random hotel halls?"

"No i came to my room but the key-card won't work so i am waiting for hotel service."

"Wait what room are you in." He pointed to a door next to Nats. "No way, we are first neighbors."

"Good to know who i can annoy if i need something."

"Yeah, room service. Ill see you around Charles." Nat said unlocking the door.

"Wait Natasha."


"Tonight me and some drivers are having like uh..movie-game night so if your up to it, we are in a room next to you. I mean i just uh though it might be a good way for you to meet the guys. Not like i think you cant meet them a.." he was nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"I mean sure. Ill come if i am not completely dead from my training session."

"Ok, ill see you."

"Au revoir."


Does everyone skip this. I know i do. My laungage teachers say i should practice my writing so putting them in a fanfic counts?

What do you think about the chapter. I think i am not going to let drivers have an easy time with Nat on padlock.

•What do you think about the press?

•Which drivers will she meet?

•How we fellin' bout Nat?

Its so late i have to go to sleep so i can at least sleep for 2h.


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