the puppet of elements

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OMG. THANK YOU GUYS FOR SO MANY READS IN A SHORT PERIOD. I have been trying my best to write rn but I have been focusing for more personal things and have been  taking care of myself. You should as well. Enjoy yourself. Remember to get some water and food today! ♥️
And enjoy the chapter


Green Steve POV

I stared at the ceiling that held the hanging plants I always look at every morning. I lifted myself and leaned against the wall. my eyelids were still heavy from last night. Orpheus wouldn't mind. he says that rest is one of the most important things in a person. it soon became hard to focus and I dozed back off to sleep.


Sabre POV

I walked my way through the cold of the forest. the cloak with times jacket under it was enough to keep me warm but I needed to look for any animals. I already have built a barn but with only a horse inside. I did find a way of keeping the crops alive. I then all of a sudden started to hear someone crying. 

"Hello?" I said rather quiet. I started heading toward the sound. I soon noticed a small green Steve in what looked like a deserted camp. they were huddled up against a tree shivering with a small worn cloth for warmth. I felt my heart ache to see a kid left out here by themselves. who would do this to such a small child?  the green steve jumped at seeing me. I was horrid to look at after all. after getting hit by that creeper taking half of my face. It looked busted and burnt. with my long hair going a bit below my shoulders. with a cloak covering a lot of my clothes would be horrid to look at for a kid. still wearing the blindfold. I need to stop wearing it soon. it keeps holding me back from the past wearing it. 

"hey there. I'm not gonna hurt you okay?" I said carefully. I lifted off my hood slowly to show my musk dirty brown hair. my blindfold I had rested on my face. He stared up and he was rather more curious than scared. I kneeled to make myself smaller to not scare him. But he didn't seem scared of me anymore. He walked over to me and his arms wrapped around me for warmth. I smiled at how easy he trusted me. I hugged him back.
"Hold on kid" I stated and slowly move his hands off of me. I slipped off the time steves jacket I had and soon wrapped it around him. He smiled.
"T..thank y.y.ou sir" he stutters greatly.
"You don't have to call me sir. Call me by my last name. Orpheus"
"Okey" he responded soon then wrapped his arms back around me. As I did the same
"Let's bring you back to my house and il get you nice warm food. Okay?" I asked.
He nodded keeping his head near my chest. I slowly lifted him to my side. And he laid his head on my shoulder. I smiled. I made my journey back with the kid. Once I got back to the house he was already knocked out cold. I heard him snoring softly. I walked over to the couch and laid him down carefully to not wake him up. I grabbed the long knitted grey blanket and laid it over him so he stays warm. I should stay down here so he doesn't get scared. I slipped off my boots and walked upstairs to change. I lifted off the cloak I was wearing and hanged it over the hanger that sat in the corner of the room. I slipped off the green sweater I had on and realized the slick tight tank top I had underneath. I opened up one of my drawers and grabbed a more fitted white long sleeve shirt and loose pants  I could wear. After changing into that and walked back down and grabbed the second blanket I had. I sat down in the loveseat and leaned back. The warm cover over me made me soon fall to sleep.


i felt my body ached as i lifted myself out of bed. i stared at the window it being still be a bit dark out but i soon saw the orange sky form as the sun spread itself onto the trees and land rising into the sky. I soon throw on a green sweater and I grabbed the blindfold on the end table beside me.i only stared at it a few seconds before feeling watched again. A shiver ran through my spine. I soon impulsively wrapped it around my neck like I do every day. I never wear it as a blind fold. It's more of a bandana that rest on my neck. I forget sometimes to wear it. I soon headed downstairs and started to make some breakfast for green and I. Maybe I could take him out to explore the area. I haven't really gone out every since I found green. He loves exploring and I haven't given him that chance yet. I sighed, I think that is what I will do.

15 years (A Steve Saga AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ