Spirit Realm

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Rainbow POV

I stared carefully at the cliff wall. the wall was a place to watch loved ones or people you care about after you have died. it was like a small mirror that appears where you can watch them. I was Watching Sabre. Well, he goes by a different name. Orpheus. It's his last name. I have been watching ever since the end of origin Steve. It was sad he left and the number of times he needed me. I couldn't be there. I kept bargaining with the guardian. I could try again. I sighed staring away from it. He keeps hallucinating. I felt footsteps go behind me to reveal Lucas.

"Hi, Lucas!" Lucas died way before I did. He adventured off out of the rainbow town and never came back. He told me he died by nightmare, Nightmare Steve found him by himself and got stabbed right in the chest. He got to meet blue though, then light, soon I introduced him to Hypno Steve. I noticed the scar with the stained red blood scratched across his chest.
"Hey, rainbow. How is sabre?" He asked.

"Well, he was hallucinating. Green is helping him now." I recalled.

"There has to be a way back to him right?" He questions with a worrying but curious.

"Maybe. Guardian won't budge."

"There might be a way without him"

"I doubt it.. he controls this place." I sighed pathetically. Soon lighting started thundering off in the distance.
"That never happens" I stuttered a bit. I felt fear go through my spine, running goosebumps. We soon turned back at each other.
"We should go see what-" Lucas said before getting interrupted by a sound of lighting right In front of us. Pain rushed through me as it separated us. I felt the shock and adrenaline come quickly. Making me panic and fall to the ground. After the lighting cleared showed a figure. I sighed with relief. It was the guardian.

"Oh my! I didn't mean to scare you two" he jumped a bit looking at both of us moving his head. the guardian wore his cloak that marked white lines with a large white pattern on the back. he had very white hair. white as snow with a darker skin down containing many scars. all I knew that was under the cloak was a huge pair of lightweight wings of feathers. He offered both of his hands to each of us. I pulled myself up with his help.

"Are either of you two hurt?" He asked.
"I'm fine, rainbow?" Lucas answered. I shook my head.
"What was that lighting in the distance?" I questioned pointing to where it came from.

"Oh! It was just me coming back from the spiritless realm" he said with a smile. He is always happy and calm. But something seemed off.

"But there has been an issue with the demon Steve" he paused. Something wrong? I hope it doesn't affect us...

"They have been acting off. Still brainless but stronger. They also haven't been helping me with keeping it calm there." the Guardian said.

"wait why are you telling us this out of everyone," Lucas asked

"you two are special spirits to say. Lucas, you are technically shouldn't be here since you are not a Steve making you a special type of soul or spirit. "he paused then looked over at me.

"rainbow you are the hero to say. you were created for a prophecy. and that prophecy is still resigned in your soul. the reason I'm telling you this is cause if the demons were to start coming after spirits. you two would be the first ones." he said. I felt a bit of paranoia in me. that's worried some.

"But I assure you if they were to enter the spirit Realm I would know and you two will be safe under my protection" he stated confidently. I sighed with a bit of relief. It still is an issue of course but the guardian can help us and keep us safe. I trust him after all, he has never done something bad or wanted to harm anyone. 

"ill leave you two be for now," he said with a smile. soon walking in the other direction to take off with as the wings came up from under his cloak. he was gone quicker than a chicken. 

"I'm worried. what if he can't protect us? then what? we have no power, no communication with the middle world. there is no way of getting out. he said looking in a different direction away from the cliff wall" I trusted the guardian enough. Lucas has never really trusted him. trust me.. he talks about how the guardian even is the guardian. why is he even there? what is the point of someone guarding a safe place for spirits? mostly on how he is the guardian. I didn't know either, but i kind of understand the need for protection and he needs to stabilize all the words from not them going nuts. 

"He always will. that's the whole point of him being here" I said cheerfully. he will always be able to. Right?

Green Steve POV 


it was around midnight and I couldn't sleep after seeing what happened with Orpheus. I wished that he was safe from whatever these things he is seeing. I know he is seeing those things. As a green Steve, I'm able to feel people's Auras. when he sees them his Aura gets weaker. I need to try and get my powers to work better. Orpheus tells me stories on the steves but he doesn't have the powers that I have. He wishes he could help but cant sadly. I looked down at my hands. the candle let me be able to see from the table that sat beside my bed. I haven't been able to heal yet. I wish I could. I stared at them more. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I felt myself focus. at least focus on making an orb maybe. I felt something that glowed in front of my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly to see a small transparent green orb of something. I don't know if it's for healing. I had no injuries though. how could I know if it heals? I looked around for something around. what if I just gave myself a small scratch. I was hesitant but I had to know. I stood up, still keeping track of the orb in one hand. it glowed better than the candle. I noticed a small dagger Orpheus gave me for well what we call my birthday. I don't remember when I was created. so we celebrate the day we found me as my birthday. it was my most recent birthday: my 15th birthday.  I grabbed the dagger with my free hand. I slowly sat back down in bed. I grabbed the extra bandage I have on my table side just in case it doesn't work. I sat the dagger in my lap and lifted a bit of my blanket and put it in my mouth. in case it hurts too much I have it to bite down on. I grabbed the dagger with my left free hand. I positioned it so the sharp side of the dagger. I clenched my hand on it pain rushed through my hand as it cut. the blood dripping on my hand. I bit on the blanket hard to not make a noise. the pain soon turned into a string and caused my breath to hitch. I let go of the grip and spat out the part of my blanket I had in my mouth. I looked at my hand to see the green blood on the blade and bleeding out my hand. I hated doing that. the wound was deeper than I hoped. I moved the bright orb over, I was still using my energy to keep it. nothing. the orb sat there still. I sighed a bit. I injured myself for nothing. I made the orb disappear. I moved my hand over the wounded one. I focused my energy on it. I focused more. nothing. I sighed, I grabbed the bandage I had and wrapped it carefully around my hand. then fighting it quickly. the pain made me stop my breath. I slide the blade that had my blood on it under the bed. I can't let Orpheus know what I'm doing. I would be breaking the very few rules we have. I laid down, throwing the warm blanket over me. I remember the rules vividly we made together. 

1. don't go outside at night without Orpheus.

2. do not hurt yourself or anything under that umbrella. please... I remember him saying that like someone has before in his life. 

3. Communicate with him always before doing something stupid. I always laughed.

4. don't go into the woods without him. I remember I did break that rule once. he wasn't happy but he didn't punish me. no harsh words. but instead, explain the point of not going in the woods. I still would want to. 

5. always walk on the right side of him. obviously. 

6. wake him up by using light. no sound or touching him. 

Only 6 rules. I feel bad about breaking one again. but I need to expand my powers. even if it meant hurting myself. 


finally getting back into writing!!!! :>

I will try doing better with updates I swear!!!

also sorry for the horrid grammar :<

look out on my art book for reference art for this au!!

words: 1580

- Soury

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