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this chapter contains blood, gore, language.

My eyes opened up in a burst. A gust of wind went through my chest making me gasp the air into my lunges. I darted my head around, adjusting the hair that hung in front of my eyes. the area around me being black of darkness with little vision in front of me. I looked down to see the floor of the glass. the black glass that showed my reflection. I stood up hesitantly as my lunges started to ache. I coughed heavily to cope with it. I felt myself lose balance, I caught myself quickly. 'why am I here' i thought 'what is this place I continued to dart my head and body violently in circles with nothing to see but darkness. I kept spinning, expecting a different outcome but nothing. I sighed, soon having to feel the coughing come up again. As I coughed more pain rushed into my chest. I gripped onto it violently as I dropped to my knees "what is happening to me?' i thought, panic started to settle. not helping with the pain. I started to hear footsteps. I attempted to look up but the pain became unbearable. I leaned down as I covered my mouth. finally, it stooped but something came out. relieved from pain but when I looked I regretted it. I moved my hand slowly to reveal a small pocket watch. my blood soaked in it with the chain and everything. the ticking was loud. Too loud, it felt like speakers of it were put right beside me. my body started to shake horrifically. 'did I?' i thought 'this isn't real right' The footsteps suddenly stopped with the ticking still going on. I glanced a bit to see two pairs of familiar boots. I started slowly upward for reveal time. His mask and all. He stared intimately into my eyes. it felt like my body went numb looking at him. I was scared, confused, mad, and happy. Nothing went into my head. 

"You were better off leaving," he said with a tight tone. I felt my heartache hearing the words from him. I was frozen. I couldn't respond back. I tried to get my words out but they choked in my throat.

" You still miss us. all of us. get over it, we sure as hell don't need you ruining our lives" he preached again giving more. he was right though. I did, I ruined everything, I didn't save anyone. I can barely save myself. I felt tears run down parts of my face. the warmth of them bouncing off of the coldness of my face. I looked down not wanting to stare at him anymore. I wanted to go home with green. I stared into the pocket watch. the vision of it soon fading as with everything else.

Green POV

I just finished making breakfast to see Orpheus not awake yet. 'is he okay?' i thought to myself. I should go check on him. slowly walked up the stairs and creaked the door to his room open. I saw him messing with his hair. I sighed with relief. I opened the door more.

"hi! I made breakfast" I announced cheerfully. he glanced over and smiled. I love the way he smiled.. not in a weird way just a father being proud. 

"that's a great kid. you know you didn't have to do that" he responded walking towards me on my left so I was on his right. I felt him scruffily up my hair and smiled, laughing a bit. I looked at his eyes. the left was scared, he lost his vision completely a few weeks ago, and his other eye was a greyish color and dull. but welcoming. I ran down the stairs excitedly. today was the day he was gonna teach me more about fighting. I already had finished eating. he seemed slower than normal as he made his way down the stairs.

"I used to have a lot of energy when I was your age," he stated while sitting down at the table.

"lost it after all those hits from those things" he shook his head as he started eating. I smiled a bit. he hasn't told me a lot of stories but enough to where it's always enjoyable.  

"Do you think you could train me more today? It's already noon" I asked eagerly. he nodded with a smile. I jumped up excitedly. I love training! I hurried outside immediately to go warm myself up. 


I shook my head as I walked outside. that kid has so much energy... he reminds me of myself. 

I watch him practice with to hay figure with the iron sword I made for him. it had a green handle with a vine marking crafted into the silver blade. I noticed a figure standing by the farm that caught my eye. the figure's face was scribbled out like a pencil cloud. I felt a bit of fear and panic run over me. I knew they were fake. but still scared me looking at it. the clothing was styled like Alex, same body shape as well. I steered my head away. when I look back I noticed a figure not standing by the pen of animals. this time it looked like galaxy Steve. 'just ignore it. it's not real' as I walked towards where green was I felt the two figures stare at me. then felt like more were looking at me. I felt myself shake a bit. I felt something grab me on the shoulder suddenly. I through my body in that direction. it felt like I pushed something back and I fell making contact with the ground. I noticed 3 of them standing there looking at me. the Alex and galaxy, time in the middle. whispers of incipient noises filled my ear, I backed up but I heard it from the back and saw more of them. the other being rainbow, guardian and overseer shaped. I felt panic go through my chest making my breath short. I look down to try to get it to stop but I looked down and saw the glass floor flicker. I started to feel my heartbeat in my chest. I felt myself start to get lifted. my vision blurred. I couldn't see, it was all blurry. I could only hear the whispers and my breath. I felt numb and lightheaded. I didn't know who was lifting me. I don't know. I don't know... nothing made sense. 

I don't know. I can't remember right now.

journal #2

today was odd. I slept a lot, I had this weird dream about being in a void where the floor was glass. I saw the time. but it wasn't him or was it. I don't know. I think I'm starting to get memory loss, that's concerning. I hope it's just weird nausea. I then woke up, and got ready and Green was already done eating and making food. I remember going outside but now looking back on it. it's all blurry. Before I left I wore Time's coat. it was very comfortable. Well, then I found Green. he was freezing so I handed it to him. he has worn it ever since I met him. I have a good idea for bonding time. not like I see him every day but maybe explore again. I kinda have locked myself away from the opening we live in. maybe I could try seeing them again. but they wouldn't recognize me. I have grey streaks in my hair. I have facial hair, my hair is long and dark, and my voice is deeper.Also he fact half of my body is burnt and scarred from that dumb creeper

this one is much shorter than the last one. 



Hey guys I'm gonna be trying to get a schedule and publish once a week. This chapter is for next week since I will be really busy! Also if you have any green Steve design. Ping me! I honestly have no idea for him yet

Words (1349)


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