Her blood chilled and she thought of Riff. He was somewhere out there, keeping his distance to protect her.

And that was love. Lizzy stopped eating. She needed to find him, she needed to tell him that they belonged together, and she didn't care what the Sharks did to her.

Breathing fasting then normal, she ran out of her apartment, not even bothering to take her purse. However before she could make it down the stairs, strong arms brought her back.

"Ice," Lizzy panted from the sudden adrenaline. "I have to find Riff-"

"It ain't ice." The arms let her go and Lizzy spun around to see Tommy/Mouthpiece there.

Lizzy stared at him for a moment, remembering the last time they saw each other as kids. She had left the west side diathermy her mother in the cad, and all of those children watching.

"I need to see him." Lizzy repeated firmly. "Where is he?"

"Listen, he wants you here, okay?" Mouthpiece moved toward her, causing Lizzy to take a step back.

"No...you don't understand. I have to see him." Lizzy grabbed the railing of the stairs for support. Why all go a sudden did she feel so lovesick?

Mouthpiece saw the need and longing in her eyes. He cursed himself. "There's a dance tonight. Riff will be there. It's at the middle school gymnasium."

"Thank you." Lizzy saw the hesitation in his voice, but she would make sure when Riff saw her that he wouldn't know that it had been Mouthpiece who let her go.

"But...the Sharks will be there," Mouthpiece said. "You can't go the Riff or even talk to him till after the dance is up. Because if you do-"

"The Sharks will see." Lizzy looked to the floor, all of the desire slowly draining away. She lifted her chin, plastering confidence onto her face. "I will stay away from him."

Mouthpiece nodded. "Don't do it for me, or Riff. Do it for yourself."

He avoided all contact with her as he left the fourth floor and traveled down the stairs, leaving Lizzy standing still, wandering what to do.

A dance. She had never danced in front of people besides the few parties when she still lived in the west side and her mother's family.

Lizzy blew out a tight strip of air and entered back into her apartment that she had for green to unlock. She gathered her things and headed out, this time properly locking the door and taking her keys with her.

She departed her apartment complex and was careful to avoid that spots she was sure Jets would be lurking-like the alleys.

Deciding that it would be best if she took her walk as far away as possible, she strolled down several blocks until the pavement became cracked and the people's skin turned darker.

Many stared, but Lizzy wasn't fearful of them. She made her way to a Carter of fruit and a man selling the items for less then a dollar.

"Hello ma'am." He said cheerfully, and with a horrid realization, Lizzy found that he reminded her of Mr. Stacey.

"Hello." She swallowed, avoiding eye contact.

"Can I offer you any of these delicious fruits, I have apples, bananas, mangos, cherry's and even pineapples."

"That all sounds lovely, but just and apple for today," Lizzy activated one of her smiles and dug through her purse until she came up with one bill. "Keep the change."

He stared with thanks at the dollar before retrieving and apple for her. "God bless you."

Lizzy didn't know what to say to that, so she just smiled and smiled and continued her way around the streets.

A shop caught her eye-it was a candle business. Except it was scented, she had never heard anything of the sorts. So Lizzy brought herself across the street, limp clearly visible so she could enter.

However just as she was about to go in, a hand pulled her away. "No te lo pierdas, es una estafa!" A young woman held her back, she had beautiful, long hair and red lips.

"Sorry?" Lizzy asked.

The lady swallowed. "Scam." She then pointed to the sign above the the shop. "They spray it would perfume."

Lizzy glanced back and the second she did, a shopkeeper charged out with an angry expression.

"Escucha aquí María! No asustes a mis clientes!" She barked with fury giving a funny crinkle to her eyebrows and nose.

The young woman apparently named Maria sighed, taking Lizzy by the arm. "You have to excuse her."

"Oh it's alright, thank you for swooping in so I didn't waste any money..." Lizzy smiled again, and Maria returned the favor.

"What's your name?" Maria asked in a light tone.

"Elizabeth." Lizzy answered.

"That's a beautiful name..." Maria whispered. "Are you staying in this side of town for long?"

Lizzy took a moment to think. "I'm not sure, all I have on my schedule is that dance."

Maria jumped up excitedly. "Oh sí! I have been waiting to dance ever since I stepped foot in America. I cannot wait, and I need help getting ready, will you come to my place?"

Lizzy hesitated, but then stopped herself. Making friends was something she had wanted to do. Maybe this would be how.

"Of course."

Maria beamed and took Lizzy by the hand, diving straight into an alley. The two women laughed as they did so, acting like young girls all over again.
Sorry this is a shorter chapter-but I have more coming soon. Thank you so much for reading and please excuse the typos <3

There's a Miracle Dueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن