Chapter 2: Two Encounters

Start from the beginning

He doesn't unpack his Hero Analysis notebook (current number: 16) because he's pretty sure he wrote down a page or two about Stonehunch in the 14th one. Absent-mindedly, he throws a glance at his phone. The train will arrive in twenty minutes anyways. It's not as if anyone but his mom is waiting for him at home, though, so even if he misses it no harm's done. He swallows down a bitter sigh, adjusting his subtle dark blue All Might backpack on his sore shoulders. The Sir Nighteye charm rustles against the fabric.

Today, the weather's objectively beautiful. A mostly cloudless sky lets the sun through perfectly. It isn't even uncomfortably hot. Apart from a couple of other people, he's alone at the train station. That's no wonder as Aizawa-sensei's test hasn't lasted longer than the usual opening ceremony. Izuku is surprised the principal allowed his homeroom teacher to skip it. Then again, Aizawa-sensei probably just smiled at his boss once and Nedzu caved in. Those smiles... Izuku shudders when he thinks about them.

He wishes he could grin like that. It would definitely scare the hell out of villains. Is Eraserhead's smile the underground equivalent to All Might's?

"U-Um, e-e-excuse m-me?" a timid voice asks directly next to his ear. Izuku, who had been too invested in his thought process, shrieks and with adrenaline pumping in his veins he spins around, punching forward reflexively. Only after he hears a sickeningly crunch the freckled boy stops in his tracks. He winces at the sight of a boy holding his nose. Red liquid drops onto the asphalt below. A couple of seconds later, the realization settles in. Izuku has probably broken someone's nose just now... oh. Oh, shit.

"J-Jeez... are you alright?" the green haired boy kneels down, carefully laying a hand on the other boy's shoulder. Indigo-coloured eyes widen in shock. Suddenly, Izuku finds himself with an aching behind, sitting on the ground as he stares at the retreating back of the person he's injured. The guy is running away, Izuku thinks shell-shocked. The guy is running away from him. Well, he did pretty much slam his fist into the other's face. He guesses this sort of behaviour warrants a flight instinct.

Izuku wonders, though. Hasn't that been a UA uniform he just saw on the boy? Did he break one of his future lessonmates' (because, well, they aren't in his class, those students in 1-B) nose? Damn, he hopes not. That would be awkward as hell. He groans. It already is awkward as hell.

He thinks about attempting to follow the boy - just to make sure he gets treated, of course - but there's absolutely no way he can actually find him. The shy teen was pretty damn fast... perhaps even faster than Izuku who has been playing football for four years and running parcours since he was thirteen.
Thankfully, his decision is taken care of in the form of the train pulling up to the station. He finds a seat next to one of the windows and lets his reddened cheek rest against the cool glass. Now that the shock has worn off, he feels a stab of guilt and embarrassment in his heart.

At least his reflexes are nothing to joke about if one blends out the fact that he hadn't even noticed the boy before he'd breathily spoken practically into Izuku's ear.

Situational awareness seems to be something he'll learn in Underground Heroics - now, at least, he knows he needs those afternoon classes with Aizawa-sensei.

A good quarter hour later, when the freckled youth has stopped looking like a tomato, a robotic voice announces his station will be the next destination. As usual, he stands up sooner than necessary, manoeuvring through the narrow space between the two seat rows. His hand automatically reaches for a pole to steady his equilibrium and large green orbs lazily watch buildings drift past. The train's fast; it'll arrive shortly.

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