《 Chapter 5: Coming Home 》

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Xiuying watches her friends play arcade machine. After the incident with Mk's duplication, she was lucky not to get into that mess. She even have to help Mk save her friends from them if he haven't begged her. Mushu also help take care of the job and gave Mk a long scolding, which terrified the poor boy.

"Button mash all you want, Mk. You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power." Mei grinned cockily, winning against him.

"Yeah! Beat his butt, girl!" Mushu cheered on for Mei.

"Up smash, up smash!" Sandy said, encouraging Mk to beat Mei.

"I'm trying, Sandy. Okay? I'm trying, I'm trying." Mk whined, feeling frustrated on loosing.

"No one can defeat me." she laughed.

Mei's phone starts ringing, causing her to frown to see her mother's profile. Xiuying notices it and get concerned.

"Oh boy." Mei said.

She then answers it. With her back turned, Mk giggles evilly and starts cheating as he beats her character. Mushu notices and glares. He tries to push his hands away from the controls, but Mk keeps his grip on and plays on.

"Hi, Mom. Yes. Of course. Yes, Mother."

Mei then hangs up.

"Hey, you okay there, Mei?" Sandy asked with concern.

"Yeah. It's just --"

Mk laughs as he beats Mei's video game avatar. Mushu groans and slaps him on the head with his tail. But that was not the problem as Mei explains.

"My parents -- they want me to housesit."

"And that's a bad thing?" Xiuying asked, noticing her downcast face.

"No. Me and my parents, we --"

Mk's eyes glints at the information he misheard.

"Uh, did Mei say sleepover at her house?"

"What? No. My parents would want --"


"Mk, I think you misunderstood what she just said and she's--"

Mk ignores Xiuying as he mutters to himself before turning to Mei.

"I've always wanted to see inside Mei's secret Dragon House full of secret dragon stuff. Come on, please?  Please, please, please, please, please?"

Mei sighs in defeat after seeing Mk's puppy eyes.

"Sleepover it is."

"Ah yeah! This sleepover is going to be amazing. You know what? I'll bring my Monkey King DVDs so we can have a marathon."

Xiuying turns to Mei.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" she asked.

"It's fine. It would be great to have fun with you guys." Mei assured her.


Little did they know, General Ironclad listens in on their conversation from a distance.


Mk, Mei, Xiuying, Mushu, and Sandy arrive at Mei's house, The Dragon Temple House.

"Whoa, so this is what it's like to be a dragon." Mushu said in awe, looking around the house.

"It's even better than I thought. Growing up here must have been great." Mk gasped in awe.

Mei frowns and looks at the canvas walls.

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