ii. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭

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Marinette smoothed down her black dress as she took a look at her assortment of weapons. Her eyes danced across her dagger and revolver as she recalled Talia's instructions in her head.

"It's a simple job, especially for one of your calibre," Talia said, her eyes as emotionless as ever. "Get in, shoot the target and deliver to the van waiting outside."

Marinette nodded, itching to get out of the room and prepare for her upcoming victim. Shooting him in a room full of important socialites was going to be hard—not her hardest, mind you—but it would require some sort of planning.

But Marinette was not one to forget her motive for doing the job. "Payment?" she asked coolly, not even flinching at the way Talia's eyes narrowed at her.

"Payment?" Talia hissed, her face contorted in a snarl. "You ask for payment when the League of Assassins asks you to assassinate someone?"

Not to be intimidated by someone who Marinette thought had too much power, she said, "Key word there being 'ask.' I do not owe the League any favours Talia, and I have no reason to be doing this out of the goodness of my heart."

Talia had stopped pacing now and was glaring at Marinette full force. "What point are you trying to make?"

"I am saying," Marinette levelled her icy blue eyes with Talia's own. "I will not do the job without at least half my payment in advance. Do you even know what you are asking me to do?"

Talia sneered at Marinette, probably hoping to appeal to her ego. "Why, are you too scared to do so? I did not think the great Black Cat was afraid of a few elites."

Marinette rolled her eyes at Talia's poor attempt. "It is called being cautious and prepared. Perhaps," she continued, looking at the League's 'headquarters' critically, "If you had done the same, you need not my services. But as it is, you have asked me to kill the Red Hood, one who is already affiliated with your network. To some extent, he will be aware of how things work, and hence, I wish for half my payment in advance. No arguments Talia."

Said woman's face was taking on a rather red hue as she spat out. "Fine. Done."

Marinette gave her a smile as sharp as ice as she stood up gracefully. "Lovely. I'll be expecting it within the next hour."

As she walked out of the door, Marinette could practically hear Talia's glare.

Maybe Marinette shouldn't have antagonised Talia so much, but, to be honest, that woman needed to be taken down a few pegs, so Marinette had just done the needful.

Scrutinising herself in the mirror, Marinette searched herself for any flaws that could expose her identity. Her eyes caught upon her bare ears—bare since Hawkmoth was caught two years ago.

Marinette sighed as she looked at the Miracle Box, sitting there innocuously in her bag. It would be so easy to just open it and pull out one miraculous—

But no. Marinette remembered Tikki's words, two years ago.

Gabriel Agreste is not a sane man, she said, eyes wide and worried, don't you think it would be better to keep us hidden until his trial is over?

In the end, they made an agreement to keep the kwamis hidden until Agreste was locked up in jail, which, due to his extensive terrorism crimes, hadn't happened yet. The court was currently deciding whether he was to be jailed for life or simply hanged. Personally, Marinette would have opted for the latter, but the court had refused to take Ladybug's opinion despite her being the one to bring him to justice. The audacity.

𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐘 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐, jasonetteWhere stories live. Discover now