Yet again not Mandela art

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I'm sorry for adding this even tho it's not Mandela related but i promise the next chapter will be a drawing

i changed my user to -F1zz-  ( or just  fizz/fizzy )

i know it's not that important but yeah

aslo here is a story so this chapter isn't that sort, so Story time ig


So i was playing roblox with my brother this was a very long time ago but we where going into random house bc i told him too he said he didn't want to but i said we had to so when we went in i was looking around he was too but a few seconds later he left without me i was locked in a room and he was driving off without me while i was stuck in the house

he left me alone

left me to die

LEFT ME SO I COULD DIE (what i mean by 'he left me to die' is i got killed by a bendy)

....... i just- *cries*

the end🎉 

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