Cesar finds a cat

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i got no idea what to draw bc i was really sad and artblock i have no motivation to draw soooo take a story i made


so alt Cesar was at the store but there was a Karen throwing a tantrum because one of the kitkats where broken and that made her mad! But Cesar wanted a kitkat too and just wanted to get back to killing ppl or whatever but the Karen did not move so he went and talked to the Karen

alt Cesar:hello miss umm could you please move im trying to get a-

the Karen cut him off saying


cesar thought being nice would mean she would be nice too. :( well that's not how it works Cesar

she started crying and screaming louder and louder wanted to speak to the manager, and it made Cesar mad he was about to break her neck all tho knowing it wouldn't be human-like of him so he went out of the store with nothing (even tho alterntes don't need food he just gets it bc it taste good) he knew the Karen's IP and address and other personal information so he can bug her later but he went to the park to clam down a little he did wanted to play on the swing but he wasn't gonna be nice to the kid if he was mean

Cesar walked up to the swing seeing a child on it

kid:what do you want

alt Cesar:i want to play on that swing so get off now or else

kid:or else what? What are you gonna do old guy!

cesar was hurt by the kid's rude words

alt cesar:......this

cesar then kicks the kid off the swing and gets on it while the kid cries


cesar was mad bc it reminded him about what happened to his mom (idk how but it did)

kid:WAAAAA....... a-....? are you even listening??

a tear then fell down Cesar's face

kid:are you...... Crying? BAHHAHAHA BABY!!!

Alt cesar: ...

cesar then got off the swing and ran off

*a few seconds later*

Cesar was on a bench crying he was so upset of what that kid said, even tho it wasn't about his mom he still was pretty sad but then a cat came up to him the cat then meow at him and he saw it it was so cute

Alt cesar:*gasps-o* hello little kitty cat your so cute :0

Cat: meow

cesar then pets the cat it seemed to be happy the little cat was purring how cute

Alt Cesar:oh my gosh im taking you home your soooooo adorable

then Cesar and the cat went home,

aslo good news he took good care of it

the end


 this kinda took awhile to make but it was fun might make more dumb story's about Mandela when i got some ideas but idk it might have been a bad and yet cringy story but at least i had a good time making

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