The force caused her to stumble backwards, almost into a shocked Katsuki who only stepped aside to let her fall to the floor.

You were on her in seconds, one hand wound tightly into her hair by the scalp to hold her head steady while your other was clenched into a fist that was pummeling down into her face repeatedly.

All you felt was the thumping of your heartbeat pounding throughout your entire body, and the memory of all the hurt you felt caused by her was all you could think of.

Someone pulling you off her somewhat brought you out of your moment of rage, but you wrenched out of their grip before you leaned back down by her ear so she could hear you, if she was even conscious.

You didn't know, nor did you care.

"Don't touch what's mine ever again."

The person gripped your arms again and pulled you backwards and you allowed it this time, satisfied in seeing her face swollen and bloody as she laid on the floor.

"We gotta go baby. Come on." Katsuki grabbed your things from the couch and swiftly pulled you behind him out the door.

Once the cool air hit you, your were fully brought back to your senses and realized what just happened.

You just took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly as Katsuki settled you into the car and shut your door before coming around to the driver side and getting inside.

He didn't speak but he placed a warm hand onto your thigh as he always did and gave it a squeeze before pulling away from the house and the people gawking at you both.

After a moment of silence, you broke the quiet first.

"She deserved it." You spoke, feeling unsure on Katsuki's feelings right now.

"Fuck yea she did." Katsuki muttered back, but you were feeling your anxiety spike at how he was acting.

You didn't exactly expect like a standing ovation or anything, but his quiet demeanor was not what you had expected and it was making you think you had done something wrong in his eyes.

As you arrived at your dorms, you followed behind him quietly as you made it to your room.

He let you in first before closing the door behind you, and you couldn't stand the tension you felt anymore so you whipped around to face him.

"Katsuki are you m-" your words were cut off as his lips slammed into yours, his hands practically ripping off your clothes simultaneously.

Heat spread through your entire body like wildfire at the fierceness of his touch, and you quickly let your previous anxiety dissolve away as his mouth attacked any piece of skin it could access.

Your top was quickly removed along with your bra, and his hands wrapped under your thighs to lift you.

Wrapping your legs around his waist, you kissed him back roughly and threaded your hands into his hair as he took you both to your bed.

Landing onto the bed, Katsuki lifted away from you so that his hands could pull down your skirt and panties in one go.

While you were laid back on the bed completely exposed, Katsuki looked at you with heavy eyes as he situated himself between your legs, placing your thighs onto his shoulders.

"That was the hottest shit I've ever seen baby."

Right after he spoke, his head dipped down as he softly kissed onto your clit directly.

His tongue leisurely swirled around the bud, making your eyes flutter shut at the sensation.

"You love me that much?" Katsuki asked, swiping his tongue up your slit.

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