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The first few chapters are going to be sort of mediocre as I'm laying down a little bit of groundwork first, but I promise things pick up! Please enjoy 🖤

You looked up from your phone to make sure you had the right room for your first class of the day.

209, MATH 1101.

Sighing, you pulled open the heavy door and swept your eyes across the room to find a seat.

Most were already filled and you tried not to shift under the eyes of the other students who looked up upon hearing the door creak open.

Finally spotting a seat in the second to last row, you walked over and plopped your bag down beside you, pulling out your notebook and a pen.

You kept your eyes down and doodled slowly on your notebook while waiting for the class to start with a low sigh.

I would literally rather be anywhere else right now.

You glanced up when you heard footsteps coming your direction.

A gruff looking guy with blonde hair was marching his way to the seat behind you, eyes forward and a scowl on his face. One hand was holding onto the strap of his backpack over his shoulder and the other was shoved deep into his pocket.

He was wearing a black muscle tee that showcased his sculpted arms and some baggy jeans.


You were still silently watching him when his red eyes shifted down to yours in a glare.

You stared back emotionlessly for a second before looking back down at your notebook.

Alright nevermind he looks like a dick.

A moment later the professor walked in and began going over the usual spiel: welcome to class, the syllabus, etc.

You zoned out and continued making small doodles, until the professor concluded class.

You gathered your things and went to get out of your seat when you bumped into someone.

Glancing up and to your side, your eyes locked with the blonde boy from before.

"Watch where your fucking going." He snarled at you before shoving past with his shoulder and sulking away.

You stood frozen for a moment, shocked someone would speak like that to you right off the bat.

What a fucking cocksucker.

You felt your body heat up but you took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly through your nose.

I'm here to start over. Just avoid that prick. Probably peaked in highschool anyways.

Rolling your eyes, you continued on to your next class. You looked over your schedule to see what was next:

Biology 1151.

Finding your room and walking in, you noticed the tables were separated into two seats each, meaning you would eventually be forced to have a partner for something.

You audibly groaned at the idea, causing a couple of the students to give you a strange look as you made your way to a table in the back.

Chewing on your lip, you aimlessly scrolled through your phone waiting for class.

A jostle next to you made you look up slightly startled and you were blasted with the color red everywhere.

This guy had bright red hair that was stuck up with gel in small horns, and bright red eyes to match. He wore a red shirt that had some superhero printed across the front with baggy black joggers.

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