Hangman & Rooster (Top Gun) - Part Two

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Fandom: Top Gun
Request: Yes (@MLTracyFF)
Genre: Fluff
M/F/NB: Female

✩ Enjoy ✩

Idiots - Part Two

(Y/n)'s eyes slowly opened, eyes squinting in pain at the bright light above her. Her head was pounding like hell, her body sore and heavy, like an elephant was sitting on her entire body, keeping her from moving.

She took a moment to collect where she was, fighting the drowsiness in her body, begging her to fall back into a deep sleep.

She lolled her head to look around, taking in more of her surrounding than just the ceiling.

Her leg was in a cast, suspended in a sling from the ceiling, her arm also in a cast. She had bandages wrapped around her torso and chest, the obnoxious sound of s heart monitor now registering in her mind. From what skin she could see, there was deep, purple-blue, bruising, whenever her eyes could see on her body.

There was an IV in her arm, a variety of fluids and medicines flooding into her arm, the pain of such extensive injuries making her groan in pain.

Though she was only awake for a moment, it felt like eternity to her, all in that moment. The smell of medical alcohol and the typical smell of a hospital make her cringe, making her more uncomfortable than she already was.

"She's awake!" A voice gasped, (Y/n) slowly gathering the strength to face who it was. She saw Phoenix, Rooster, and Hangman, all three of them rushing into the room.

(Y/n) couldn't even muster the energy to talk, only able to blink slowly, pain surging through her body.

Phoenix quickly went to call a nurse, Hangman and Rooster rushing to the bed, concern on their faces, even on Hangman's usual cocky face.

Rooster was unsure what to say, Hangman too, (Y/n) just looking between them, one of her (e/c) eyes having a black eye, even a bit of red in the whites of her eyes, veins having burst when she hit the ground.

Before either of them could speak, Phoenix shoved them to the side, a nurse coming in to check on (Y/n).

The standard checkup was done, the light in the eyes, checking of airways, asking questions, though (Y/n) only able to weakly nod her head yes and no.

Soon after the nurse was done, a doctor came in.

"(Y/n) '(C/s)' (L/n), one of the best pilots in the navy." The doctor read off the clipboard, before looking up to the female. "Are you aware of the catastrophic injuries you have suffered?"

(Y/n)'s eyes went hooded, raising an eyebrow as if to ask how she couldn't have noticed.

"You are highly unlikely to ever be in flying condition ever again." The doctor revealed, (Y/n) letting out a heavy sigh, the other three pilots in the room looking around uncomfortably. "You have a collapsed lung, broken ribs, shattered leg and arm, not to mention a concussion and other fractures."

(Y/n) blinked slowly, not able to speak, just staring at the doctor.

"You were in a coma for a week." He dropped another shock on (Y/n), "We were unsure if you were going to every wake up again-" he looked back to his clipboard, "-Natasha Trace having preformed emergency CPR on you."

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