It is time for another debutante season!  We are told that Miss Daphne Bridgerton is one to keep an eye on.  Who knows what will happen with the Bridgerton family as we are told that they are also having a cousin come live with them for the season as well.

Apparently there is family drama where her parents don't speak to Lady Violet Bridgerton.  One must wonder what that is?  Though there has always been speculation as to why the two families do not speak much, it is much of an amazement that she was even allowed to come at all, given their history.  

I guess it's true what they say - keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

But is Miss Eleanor Bridgerton truly an enemy to the Bridgerton family?  Some who have seen her would declare to say yes, she is indeed, especially to the young Miss Daphne Bridgerton who is hoping to make her debut.  I guess we shall see.  

Yours truly,

Lady Wistledown 

Eleanor had to admit that she was feeling uneasy about this stay as she wrung her hands together as she sat in the carriage.  She had not spoken to her cousins in years.  There was only once she remembered when she had been with them.  She did not know their interests, what they liked and didn't like, nor something as simple as their favourite colour.  She hoped that it might not be awkward the entirety of the time she will be there and that perhaps maybe, just maybe, she might gain friendship with some of them if not all of them.  

As the carriage came to a halt, the footman helped her out as he held her hand and the first thing she noticed about the Bridgerton home was that all of the help along with the entire Bridgerton family was outside, waiting for her.  Eleanor thought the wisteria that was cascaded on the home was beautiful as it was one of her favourite flowers other than roses.  

Lady Violet was the first to come forward with a hesitant but nonetheless smile on her face followed by Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth.  

One thing that Eleanor noticed right away was how serious Daphne was for this debutante season.  She had to wonder why?  For whilst she herself was apart of the debutante season, she knew not to take it too seriously and be consumed in the process.

If you are, it eats you alive.

Daphne walked up to her cousin with her shoulders back and head held high as she gave her a small smirk.

"Dearest cousin," Daphne faked her charm and grabbed Eleanor's hands in hers as Eloise rolled her eyes at the oozing fakeness that was dripping out of Daphne.  "It is so nice to see you again."

"You as well," Eleanor smiled at her cousin, not realising Daphne's demeanor towards her, but all of the Bridgerton siblings could tell.  "Thank you again, aunt Violet for letting me stay here," she tells her aunt with a small smile.

"You are very welcome, dear," Violet tells her with a bright smile.  "You have grown into a beautiful young woman," she told her niece as she tried to be polite but she was also hesitant with her smile as she worried for her daughter, Daphne, and what might happen with her debut.  

"Thank you," she smiled at her aunt as Eloise made a gagging signal to her brother Benedict who smirked at her.

"Are we done with all these formal pleasantries now?" Eloise asked impatiently.  "Can I take Eleanor into town and show her to all the nice shops?"

"Y-yes, of course," Violet said somewhat stunned at her daughter's reaction.

Eloise linked arms with her cousin and they left.

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