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"You want cotton candy, Which one?" I said, pointing to all of the many-colored cotton candy tastes on the stand; Gekyume merely pointed to the blue one.

"Could I have the blue cotton candy?" As I went through my wallet for cash, I politely inquired of the worker at the stand.

"$4.25," said the worker at the stand, As I was about to give her a five-dollar bill, I already saw Stokeley deliver her the dollars before he collected the cotton candy and handed it to Gekyume, who was in his arms,

We were currently at the seasonal fair, and we had decided to come just to spend some quality time together as a new family and to have some fun, as we rarely did before. We were walking down the strip eating cotton candy at the time, and Gekyume was pointing us to all the rides that shone brightly in the dark night.

"Let's go there," Stokeley remarked, pointing to the go-karts. I agreed as we began walking to the lines, ultimately reaching the front. I handed the worker all three of our tickets to be let in,

As the worker opened the gates and let us pass, I watched as Stokeley quickly ran to the blue bumper car with Gekyume still in his hands, I laughed as I followed them sitting in the car beside them,

"Who's this ride for Gekyume or you?" I asked as I got into the car and buckled up,

"Me," Stokeley said cheesing as he buckled up Gekyume making sure the seatbelt was tight so he wouldn't fly out, then eventually doing the same to himself.

We sat in our bumper cars, listening to the teacher instruct us on how to drive and where to find the gas and break pedals, among other things.

"And last but not least, go when the light turns green," The instructor spoke before nodding his head and turning around to open the gate that lead to the drifting streets before walking off,

Stokeley rubbed his hands together before clutching the steering wheel, saying, "Your ass finna be burnt."

"I bet you I'll win," I responded with a grin on my face, mimicking his actions.

"How about it, what are we betting on?" Stokeley inquired as he licked his lips and glanced at me, prompting me to shake my head and laughed,

"Whatever you want, baby boy," I responded confidently as I swiftly turned my head to watch the light in front of me turn yellow, signaling that it was almost time to leave.

I slammed on the gas to grab the lead as soon as the light went green; I chuckled because I knew Stokeley was right behind me, and every time he tried to pass, I would swerve right in front of him.

I was perfectly drifting through the streets and was able to maintain the lead for a long until someone I was going to overtake smashed into the wall in front of me, causing me to swerve and slide out to the far end of the road, allowing Stokeley to pass me immediately.

"Fuck," I grumbled as I re-entered the road and continued driving, doing everything in my power to get the kart to go faster, but it was nearly impossible because we were on our final lap.

𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐀𝐒 𝐖𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن