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I waited for Ski, my new bodyguard, to come pick me up from the house. I waited outside with Gekyume in my arms and his diaper bag slung over one shoulder.

I heard the engine of a car pull into my driveway just as I was going to call him, and I looked up to see Ski in the driver's seat.

"Ayee," I replied as I opened open the rear seat door and slid in the car seat before putting Gekyume in,

"Wassup man," Ski said as he reached his arm back to fist bump me as I buckled up Gekyume, then made my way to the front seat and got in,

"I heard you was going to the studio with Busta," Ski said before backing out the driveway, 

"Yeah always been a dream of mine," I said cheesing as I rubbed my hands together, "Oh shit, almost forgot," I said as I reached for the diaper bag, pulling out the bottle I made previously for Gekyume on the car ride.

"Damn you got a kid now," Ski said looking at Gekyume through the rearview mirror, who was drinking his bottle and fighting his sleep,

"Yeah, jah left me with him," I said laughing as I looked back at Gekyume, "He look exactly like him," Ski said before taking his eyes off him in the mirror,

"Yeah," was all I said for the rest of the ride,


"Ski I have a question for you, vro, please consider it "After parking right in front of the building, I said as we arrived at the studio, leading Ski to look at me.

"I can't take Gekyume in and I was Wonde-" I was cut off by Ski shaking his head,

"Hell Nah, whatcha want me to do with a whole ass kid," Ski said still shaking his head before I could even finish.

"Listennn," I said dragging out the 'n' trying to get him to agree with me, "I'll buy you a ticket to wherever you wanna go, as long as you take care of Gekyume for me for a couple of hours please," I said putting my hand on his shoulder hoping he would agree,

"What happens if he wakes up," Ski said causing us both to turn back to face a sleeping Gekyume, "He won't wake up, he's a heavy ass sleeper," I said as I opened the passenger door and got out,

"But just in case, here's his favorite oreo toy and a pack of Oreos," I said placing them on the passenger seat before walking towards the building, "You better not eat them," I yelled before entering the studio,

As soon as I stepped in, I noticed everyone conversing with one another, which made me pleased. I searched the studio for one specific individual, and after some searching, I discovered him conversing with Gabe via the auto system.

"There he is," I thought to myself as I grinned and approached each of them, "Aye wassup Busta," I joked as we both dapped each other and patted each other on the backs.

"We finna make music or what?" he added chuckling as he signaled the sound producer to play something. I laughed as a beat played and we both began to freestyle to it,

After we finished freestyling, I sat on the couch with Busta, chatting about my career and the music I wanted to make in the future. As I was discussing my upcoming album, my phone began to ring in my back pocket.

"I'm sorry, but I have to take this," I apologized before getting up and went to the corner of the room to pick up the phone."hel-" I attempted to say but failed,

"THE BABY IS CRYING," Ski shouted into the microphone, causing me to remove the phone from my ear.

"What?" I said before bringing my phone back up to my ear again, "The baby is crying, what do I do, you need to come get the baby," Ski spoke so quickly that I almost didn't understand him.

"Stoke! We about to hop in the booth to record music!" Gade exclaimed as he took the headset and shook it in his fingers, 

"Ski, I'll be out in half an hour," I responded hastily as I tried to hang up; this was my one and only shot to work with Busta Rhymes in the studio, and I wasn't going to blow it.

"No, you don't understand, Stokeley-" I quickly hung up the phone and walked into the booth, where I put on the headset and waited for the beat to begin playing.

"Yo, flip mode, new flavor fo yo ear...


When I went outside to check on Gekyume and Big Ski after rapping my portion in the song, they were both outside the car by the trunk.

"He left you a surprise," Ski remarked as he handed Gekyume over to me. "Goddamn," I exclaimed, my face stinking from the smell. I hurriedly changed Gekyume and attempted to return inside and continue the song with him.

"Hell no, I'm sorry, but I'm not taking him again," Big Ski remarked as he returned Gekyume to me.

"Please ski another hour and I'll be done with the song," I begged him, pleading with him to look after Gekyume for a little longer.

"Stokeley, I'm your bodyguard, not your babysitter; I can't stay out here with him all night," Ski remarked, making me shake my head.

I snatched Gekyume and led him inside, followed by Big Ski. I was really hoping Gekyume would keep quiet for the rest of the night and not disrupt anyone while we were recording,

"Oh crap Gekyume!" Gabe said as I entered the studio for the second time. Gabe stretched out to Gekyume, who jumped into his arms immediately.

I stepped into the booth and put my headphones on, Busta was in the room with me but with a different microphone, so I gave him and the sound producer a thumbs up before the beat started playing.

Gekyume started getting fussy and crying a few minutes into the song, making it difficult for any of us to hear the beat. "I apologize guys," I muttered as I went out, trying to keep him from crying louder.

"Here are oreos, Gekyume," I handed him oreos, which he promptly tossed on the floor and continued to cry; I didn't know what to do to get him to stop crying.

I tried to think of everything Solana would do to make him stop crying, but nothing came to mind.

"Ski Mask," Busta stated this while placing his hand on my shoulder, causing me to stand to my full height. "Look, man, you seem to be quite busy; perhaps we can record this song at a later date," Busta said something that made my heart drop right away:

"Anyway, I have to go, Catch you later," he said as he walked out of the studio, after dapping me and everyone else up.

I was so angry and heartbroken when he went that I just flung the oreo I was holding to the floor.




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