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"This is a good ass song, you should record it," Stokeley exclaimed as soon as he heard me step into the studio area. I noticed him standing next to where I was previously seated, reading my journal.

"Stokeley!" I remarked as I went up to him, closing and grabbing my journal; I was very careful about who read my journal because it contained highly sensitive information that I didn't want to share with anybody, and no one had read it.

"What?" he remarked with a perplexed expression. I shook my head before I spoke to Toni, ignoring Stokeley, "I'm ready to record," I remarked as I opened the door to the recording booth,

I entered the booth, set my journal on the little stand directly in front of the microphone, and moved the chair away from behind me because I prefer to sing standing up.

I gave Toni a thumbs up, signaling that I was ready to record, and he returned the gesture as he pressed a button, allowing the beat to play through the headphones I was wearing.

I was a little frightened as I looked through the glass pane and saw Stokeley standing behind Toni, staring at me, eager to hear me sing. Except for Toni, no one was ever-present when I recorded. Hence why I was nervous, when the portion of the song that I wanted to sing came on, I started singing.

"Love, love, love, love. 'long as we got..."

I removed my headphones and grabbed my notebook before coming out of the booth after I finished, where I could hear and see Stokeley clapping. "That was really good, Solana," Stokeley exclaimed as he unexpectedly hugged me.

"Thank you," I replied as I pulled away from the hug and turned to face Toni, who congratulated me before sitting in his chair and playing the song I'd just finished recording.

"I think you should add a feature to the song; I think it would make it a hundred times better," the sound producer commented as soon as the recorded song was finished,

I nodded in response to his criticisms as I walked to my duffel bag and stuffed my notebook inside, then slung my bag over my shoulder and walked over to Gekyume, who was sleeping, and picked him up, placing him on my chest, before turning around and saying, "I'll think about it," with a small laugh.

After Stokeley and I said our goodbye's to Toni we walked outside to Stokeley's car. "Can you take me to my car?" I asked Stokeley as I was gently placing Gekyume in his car seat, making sure he wouldn't wake up,

"What happened to your car?" After looking around the parking lot and failing to find it, Stokeley replied,

"I left it at the dance studio," I said, closing the back seat door and opening the passenger seat door before getting in. "I came here with Jay," I said.

"Who's this jay man anyways?" Stokeley asked as he turned on the car and pulled out of the parking lot,

"he's just a friend I dance with," As we drove down the dark roads at night, I replied to him, a smile on my lips at the thought of Jay.

"He brought you here?" Stokeley questioned looking at me, "Yeah, after dancing, we went out to eat, and I lost track of time, so he drove me there," I replied once again, causing Stokeley to nod, the rest of the car ride was silent.


"Thank you," I said as I exited the car and closed the passenger door. I proceeded to my car, looking for my keys in my backpack, which I finally located after a few minutes, unlocked my car, and got in.

I sighed as I started the car, only to notice that Stokeley had not yet departed; he was still parallel parked in front of me, waiting for me to leave.

I drove out of my parking spot and attempted to drive out of the parking lot until I noticed Stokeley pull up alongside me and roll down his window, beckoning for me to do the same.

"Aye mum, you racing?" As soon as I rolled down my window, Stokeley questioned in a husky voice, leading me to roll my eyes at his at him before replying, 

"You betta not be racing with gekyume in the back seat," I told Stokeley as I rolled up my window before I drove away, leaving him to follow me home.


Solana was already getting out of her car as I pulled into the garage; "Aye, can you grab Gekyume?" I asked as I switched off the engine and stepped out; she gave me a head nod as she opened the rear seat;

I let Solana and a sleeping Gekyume in first, then went in and locked the doors. I watched as Solana placed her luggage by the front entrance and walked upstairs to put Gekyume to sleep.

"Solana, someone's calling you," I yelled as I walked back to the door entrance to see the contact name Jay displayed on the phone screen,

why is he calling her so late at night?

"Solana?" As I took her phone and proceeded upstairs in search of her, I remarked,

"Yeah," her voice yelled softly from her room, prompting me to knock before carefully opening the door to realize she wasn't there.

"Where have you gone?" I yelled as I stood in the middle of the room, holding her phone, which had hung up due to nobody answering.

"What stokeley," Solana murmured as the door to her bathroom opened and she peered out, her natural hair in the way of her face, which she pushed away.

"Um, someone-" I said before I cleared my throat, "Someone called you," I replied as I approached her with my arm extended to hand her her phone.

After she took it from me, she went back into the bathroom and shut the door; the sound of the door locking could be heard, and her voice soon roared through the bathroom door.

"Hello, Jay?" she said lightly, I stood there shaking my head and walked out of her room as the sound of the showerhead was switched on,

Get it together Stokeley,



idk how I feel bout this chapter,

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