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"Yeah but the thing is-" Mary began, getting cut off by footsteps nearing the door of the classroom. Kirari gently pushed the door open. You could tell she had a smirk on her face, even with her keeping a face of no emotion.

 "I have some news." Said Sayaka, pushing the door open even more to expose the rest of the student council standing there. "You both have gotten the same amount tokens, for the election. So we have come up with a compromise."

 "Go on." Mary said, listening intensely to hear what they've come up with.

 "You two are going to play the tower game. We need you to sign this contract in order to play. If you choose not to, you will be eliminated from the election and the runner up will win. If one of you don't sign, then the other one wins." Sayaka said.

 Yumeko's mouth curled into a smile, as she put her hands together. "Wonderful! When do we get to play?" Yumeko asked, as Mary looked at her in concern.

 "You're not seriously thinking about this, are you?!" Mary asked. "Well, if we don't we'll get kicked out of the election." Yumeko said, slowly dropping her smile. "If you've made your decision, meet us behind the school at 4 pm." Kirari said, as she left, dropping her act and giving them a smile over her shoulder as she shut the door.

 Mary smacked her face and looked up at Yumeko. "I can't believe you just agreed to that!" Mary complained. Yumeko looked up from the contract and smiled. "You have nothing to worry about! As long as you make the right moves you'll be fine." Yumeko said, trying to reassure Mary into agreeing. 

Mary signed, and waited for Yumeko to finish reading the contract as the bell rang, so they could get to class. Yumeko and Mary walked down to the mailboxes and quickly shoved their signed contracts into the Presidents mailbox. 

Running down the hall to their next class, they saw Runa walking around. "What are you doing just walking around?! Shouldn't you be in class?" Asked Mary, rushing out her sentence. "Yeah, but I got excused since the student council needs to get the tower ready for you guys." Runa said, taking the pink lollipop out of her mouth.

Mary and Yumeko nodded, as they looked at the time. At this point they were 10 minutes late, and when they got there, 15. They slammed through the classroom catching their breath as they walked in. 

Everyone stared at them, including the teacher, with an annoyed expression. "Sit down. I want to see you two after class." The teacher demanded, pointing to their seats with a piece of chalk in her hand. They both sat down, taking out their notebooks.

"So, what happened?" Asked Itsuki, sitting down with them at their lunch table. "She just yelled at us and said not to be late again or else." Mary responded, picking at her food. "Well, it's been kind of boring lately. Anything happening for you two?" Asked Itsuki looking around for action.

 "Oh, we're going to be playing at Kirari's tower since we both got the same amount of tokens. So this will determine the winner of the election!" Said Yumeko, calmly. "Are you serious?!" Asked Itsuki, frantically.

 Ryota looked up from day dreaming out of the window. "What're you guys talking about?" He asked. "They're going to do that weird tower thing that Kirari made, because they got the same amount of tokens in the election!" Itsuki said, slamming her hand onto the table. 

"W-what... you guys can't be serious! I am not letting you two do that. Not in a million years!" Ryota said nervously. "I know, but even though I think it's pretty stupid, I'm not losing. Especially without putting up a fight." Mary said, after finally eating some of her food. "You guys are not doing that. Tell them to come up with something else or just- something!" Itsuki stammered out.

 "It'll be fine! Last time there was a landing pad. So even if we fall out we won't get hurt." Yumeko said, trying to just calm down the conversation. The bell rang. "Just.. be safe." Ryota said looking Yumeko in the eyes. Yumeko smiled, closed her eyes, and gently nodded. 

ary was sitting in her room, looking through her clothes as she got a text from Yumeko. "Where are you? We've been waiting for 15 minutes." Mary checked the time, and it was 4:15. In a panic, she typed back to Yumeko that she was on her way, and ran out of the door. 

"Late again, I see." Said runa, laughing. "Heh, yeah..." Mary replied. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go in." Said Kirari, smiling and opening the tower's door.

The Tower (Yumeko x Mary)Where stories live. Discover now