Prologue Part 2: Observation

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⌊A/N: This chapter has been edited.⌋


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mission Control

"Guess we're gonna do it now huh, Dr William?" a scientist named Julian asked Dr. William. 

Doctor Julian Hallow is one of NASA's top scientists. He was assigned as head of the 'UFO OBSERVER' Program 8 years ago.  He has caramel hair color and blue eyes. He was considered a prodigy by the people working at NASA. Ever since joining NASA almost 11 years ago at a very young age of 17, he baffled many of his colleagues whenever they read his reports. Most of what he wrote was actually calculations of possible ways to enter faster than light speeds or FTL. He told them that the reason behind why he has been working hard to prove that FTL is possible is because that he wanted to fulfill his dream of travelling around the galaxy like how the people at Star Wars were able to do so. 

He was working so hard at finding a possible way to achieve FTL travel to where even his work ethic is strict, too strict in fact. Late-night guards would usually see him working at his desk, with a large coffee mug by his side filled with black coffee in order to give him the extra energy he needs. Which is why he had noticeable bags under his eyes. Yet even then, the work he does at NASA was extremely helpful.

At the time when he received the news that he would be assigned elsewhere, he was a bit sad. He got to know and work with his colleagues. He considers them all as his friends. Though, when he had been briefed on what he will do on the mission he was about to participate in, his sadness turned into excitement and anticipation. To be given the opportunity to observe an alien spaceship first-hand was an opportunity of a lifetime. Though he did have to comply at the gag order so as to not have the general public freak out at this discovery.

Right now, it has been a few weeks since the probe completed its 7 year long journey to Mercury and began its observation of the unidentified flying object. Being launched in 2008 along with the MESSENGER probe, The UFO OBSERVER probe or UO-1 has scientific instruments with the sole purpose of both observing and studying what the field around the spacecraft is actually made of. Since they currently don't have a way to enter and exit the field all by themselves, they decided to not bring any equipment that would identify the metallic material/s that the spacecraft itself is made of. The probe also has a detachable impact probe with sensors and a built-in antenna in order to measure how much force the 'special magnetic field' (name given by scientists to the unknown field surrounding the craft) could block.

On the other hand, the MESSENGER probe was actually supposed to be launched in 2004, though due to some technical problems and bad circumstances, they were forced to push back the launch date for no less than 3 years. Unfortunately, they had to postpone for another year under orders from the White House.

As of this moment, they are about to detach the impact probe and have it set to a course where it would crash straight into the forcefield.

"That's right, Julian. To think that creating a 'magnetic field' this powerful would be even possible."

"I don't even think that magnetic field is even the right term. I think either 'forcefield' or 'energy field' is more accurate."

"What makes you say that?"

"I mean the initial analysis that you guys made before I was assigned here only had you guys reporting at the fact that the ship had the ability to block all the particles coming from the solar wind. Yet, the results that we have found in the past 2 weeks suggest something more."

"And that is?"

"That somehow your theory from about 9 years ago was true."

"The one where'forcefield' would survive a nuke?"

Mechanica Damnatio (A Mindustry X Arpeggio of Blue Steel Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon