Chapter 5;) im baaack:D

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Basically I stopped because I thought the story was bad and had a bad storyline but my bestfriend has persuaded me to put another chapter up:) love you jenne<3


Fred was the first one to speak! "What why? Your mum works at home? Who is he anyway?" Fred is one of my very very bestfriends! We're so close it's unreal we're like strawberries and cream;) I expected him to be the one with the most questions seeing as he is the most protective of me! I answered all his questions and explained to all the lads!

"Guys, Tyler use to be one of my bestfriends until I moved here! My mum has got a new job and works with his mum away from home! The only day she has off is Sunday so because me and Tyler would be larrys they decided to move us in together!"

Nate and Greg spoke next and but not to me to Tyler! I couldn't hear what they were saying but probably something along the lines of if you hurt her your dead blah blah blah! Whilst they were talking Fred took me on a walk outside to have a chat! "Fred I don't want a massive long lecture about not to let myself get hurt like conor did to me..." Fred's the only one that knows about conor, I haven't told anyone not even Brooke! Anyway that's a different story. "Laa if its alright with you can I come to yours after school and spend some time with you and Tyler to get to know him? No I'm not giving you a long lecture like I would of because i can see that you like him, the way you look at him was the same way you use to look at conor. I noticed that straight away." "Fred you don't need to ask you can just turn up at my house;) you seem to always do that!;) yeah I do like him:) i hope he doesn't hurt me like conor did, i don't want to go through that pain again.. I hope you and him get along like a house on fire;)

We went back to the table and everyone was laughing? Hmm I wonder what they're laughing at? I sat down in between Fred and Tyler. I always sit next to Fred and Nate but Tyler was sat in nate's place!


This is probably really bad but I don't really care!




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