Don't Give Up On Me (Dual POV)

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"Chris, bro. Stop!" Connor reached out, grabbing Chris's bicep and pulling him to a stop. "What the fuck happened?"

He shrugged out of Connor's grip and stopped walking when he reached his SUV, shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair. "Jesus, Townsend. Can you mind your own fucking business? I think I missed the part where it was your fucking concern."

Chris could tell that he wanted to snap. He watched Connor's jaw flex, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed the words he really wanted to say. "What happened?" Connor asked in a calm voice.

He sighed, his fingers dragging through his hair again. "We fucked. Okay? We– God,–" Chris sighed, shaking his head as his chin fell to his chest. "–I fucked her. And I– I fucked everything up." His hands curled into fists, clenching at his sides. He wanted to throw a punch. He wanted to fight someone. He was used to working out these kinds of frustrations in a gym or on the ice and right now, he had no fucking clue what to do.

"Just– calm down. Okay? What did you do?"

Chris inhaled a deep breath through his nose, exhaling slowly and looking back up at Connor. "I just– We can't be anything more than sex. We can't. I told her that. I told her not to read into anything."

Connor shook his head, clearly disappointed in the way Chris handled things. "Why would you tell her that, bro?"

"Because it's the fucking truth, Connor!" Chris yelled, dragging his hand down his beard. "There was an obvious attraction. We... satiated the want. We... scratched the itch. It's done. Just sex."

Connor's jaw ticked in irritation. He took a second to compose himself before responding. "Chris. I'm done defending you, man."

Chris let out a sarcastic laugh. "I never fucking asked, Towns."

He held up his hand to Chris, gesturing for him to shut up. "You're a fucking idiot. What happened? What happened to the Chris who was protecting her at the bar? What happened to the Chris who stayed up with her all night to make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit if she happened to throw up?"

Chris's eyes widened. He didn't realize that Connor knew.

He raised his eyebrows at Chris. "That's right, bro. I know. I know what you've done for her. I know that you have feelings for her and you won't act on them for whatever reason. I get it, man. Your family has a fucked up past. We all have shit. But it's no fucking excuse for treating her like that and denying that there's something between you two. I don't know what. I don't think either of you does. But if you don't pull your fucking head out of your ass, you're gonna lose everyone. She's not gonna play these fucking games with you. I know that much."

They stared at each other for a minute before Connor sighed heavily.

"I strongly suggest you get over yourself and figure out what the fuck you want before you drag her into any more of your shit. She's a good fucking person, Chris. And I know you are, too. But figure out whatever the fuck you need to figure out before you pull her back in. She won't do this again. You let her walk away again, it's the end."

Chris shook his head. As much as he wanted to give heed to Connor's advice, his first and only reaction was denial. "You're being a little fucking dramatic, don't you think? There can't be anything to end because nothing has started. She can't walk away from anything because there's nothing to walk away from, Connor."

"You're incredible." Connor sighed. "Figure it out, Chris. And figure it out fast because she's not gonna wait for you forever." He turned, walking back towards the house and leaving Chris in the front yard.

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