Chapter 1

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Beeping monitors were one of the first memories Eloise had, and since then, they've been a big part of her life. First, her father's as she grew up and now also the monitors of the dying of the Thanatos Hospice. It was like a lullaby for her, without them she didn't feel at home.

Although her job at the hospice as a volunteer was talking to people, she did much more. Fiona, the head nurse, had entrusted her to help around with all kinds of tasks. Helping with bathing, cleaning, cooking, and distributing food. Any small job you could think of. And so, it was to no one a surprise when people called her nurse Castles instead of miss or Eloise.

"Corporal Jones, I have the honor of shaving you today." Mister Jones was a sad case like many here. First, he had gotten cancer, and later his dementia had set in. He was a proud veteran and felt most at home in the illusion he was still a Corporal in Vietnam. It's what he had done for most of his life. "Being a good soldier starts with having a good example."

Eloise carefully let the razor scratch over his chin. "The Vietnamese could learn from you sweet girl. Tell me, what is your name?" Eloise smiled.

He always said the same thing, every Saturday when she got the honor of assisting in dressing people, they had this conversation. "Eloise Castles, Corporal." She always addressed him with Corporal, it made him feel in control and that made him happy. Eloise was happy to oblige.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She finished up shaving and removed the left-over shaving cream with a towel.

"Well thank you, sir. It's an honor to help the brave protectors of our country." They finished dressing him and continued on.

"You're good with them." Nurse Gerolds told her.

"Thanks, but I've learned from the best." She gave her a teasing shoulder bump as they walked to the pediatrics wing.

"This always makes me feel depressed." Gerolds complained.

"Come on, we've got Hanna on our list next. She's a good person to ease in." Gerolds send her a sarcastic smile.

"That's not fair. She adores you."

Eloise went in first, turning the light on very dimly. She approached the bed where a 14-year-old girl lay. "Good morning Hanna." The girl opened her eyes. "Today is the day." Hanna smiled, it was one of the first true smiles Eloise had ever seen coming from Hanna.

"You promise?" Eloise nodded.


Hanna had had a car accident when she was 10. Her whole family had died instantly, she had survived but was paralyzed from her chin down. With no living family members, a social worker had gotten assigned to her. When every surgery had failed, and Hanna had screamed she didn't want anymore. She was sent to the Thanatos Hospice.

The depressed 14-year-old had refused everything the first few days. Then Eloise had entered and suddenly she had given in, at first only allowing her to help her. Eloise looked just like her older sister and so they had become friends. Hanna had opened up about her journey and how she had nightmares at night, but that they continued when she woke up. She had begged the nurses to end her suffering, and so a physiatrist had been issued. There had been many before, but this time she listened.

That was when the journey to euthanasia had started. Eloise had held her hand all the way through the process, being the only person, she felt truly comfortable with. Eloise had brought cake when the second doctor had agreed with the original conclusion for euthanasia, and they had celebrated the end for there is no happiness without it ever ending.

Finally, today was the day. A doctor was coming over, Hanna had insisted on it being performed here, where she felt most comfortable. The service worker would be arriving any minute now and later this morning Hanna will finally meet her end.

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