5. panic attacks and the start of something new

Comincia dall'inizio

"Hey Petey are you alright? You never call."

All Pietro could hear was laboured breathing on the other end of the line the he heard a female voice.

"Hello silver, I am karen, peter is currently having a panic attack" Karen explained quickly.

A panic attack?!?

"Okay Petey I need you to listen alright? Copy my breathing"

Pietro began breathing in an exaggerated manner when Peter's breathing returned to a soft panting Pietro started doing the other techniques they used on Tony when he has a panic attack.

"Great job Petey, now tell me four things you can see"

"I-i can s-see my my bed and the c-curtains my homework on my desk and the desk chair" the voice on the line was quiet but still hearable.

"Good"Pietro encouraged softly "now can you tell me three things you can hear?"

"U-mmm i-i hear the traffic o-o-outside, my breathing and ...... You."

Pietro didn't know why but the last one made him blush ' of course he can hear you, yo in idiot you are talking in the phone' pietro silently berated himself.

"Great job Petey. Now tell me two things you can feel" instructed Pietro.

"The carpet I'm s-sitting on and the wal I'm leaning against." Peter replies his voice stronger this time but still a little shaky.

"Fantastic Petey now tell me one thing you can taste" Pietro said.

"I ..... I can taste salt .... From my tears" Peter said voice no longer shaky just kinda sad

"Hey Petey pie, in still here you alright babe?" Pietro asked softly.

Peter gasped softly on the other side if the line "b-babe?" Questioned Peter.

"Ok shit" mutters Pietro

Peter must have heard cause Pietro heard giggles coming from Peter.

"Well" said Peter "I rather like the sound of that b-b-babe" Peter said channeling his inner Spidey confidence only to have Parker luck come and stab him in the back as he started stuttering on the word babe.

Pietro chuckled Peter was to cute for his own good.

" Petey, babe I can feel you blushing from here" Pietro said smirking to himself as Peter let out a string of protests to the accusation but they both knew he was blushing majorly.

"Silver I didn't wake you up did I?"Peter asks after a small pause.

"No Petey it's fine I was on my morning run" replied Pietro soothingly.

"You go for a run at 5in the morning?" Peter asks incredulously.

"Well yeah Petey whilst your resting your pretty little head in out in a run  ...... I can feel you blushing again Petey." Pietro said a smirk on his lips.

However this time Peter was more prepared "are you sure it wasn't yourself you could feel blushing ...... Pietro?" Peter replied.

This did make Pietro blush a bright red as he fought to make a semi sensical sentence form in his clouded mind yet all that came out was " i-i-i I forgot you knew my name " 'wow ' Pietro thought to himself 'that was the only thing you could say!?!'

"Yeah I do, Pietro and you know mine and you know what I look like too. I find it grossly unfair."Peter states.

"Babe I can hear you pouting" Pietro teased.

"I'm not pouting" Peter said deepening the pout further.

"Uh huh sure I believe you babe, I'm gonna get back to my run now babe. It's nice to hear your voice. I'll text you later bye babe I love you." Pietro said into the phone only realising what he said when he heard an audible gasp ok n the other line before Peter said

"I love you too babe bye"

And just like that Pietro finally had Peter as his boyfriend.

A song popped into his head at that moment it was from a movie they had watched last night upon request of Wanda, high school musical. Pietro couldn't help but think the song suited the moment perfectly and he started to sing it to himself as he made his way back to the tower half an hour early.

🎤This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you, oh
And now, looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart (I feel in my heart) the start of something new
Oh, yeah🎤

Till next time
Live you all
1365 Words

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