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" Um... who are you again?" (Violet)

" I don't exactly have a nickname... but the hunters call me Lillith. So I guess you can call me Lillith if you please.."

" You must be really dumb if you couldn't figure that out by yourself." (Female)

" Wha- You are not allowed to ask that question. Leave. Now." (Pan-sexual)

Violet is a pure white she-wolf who's small, but not smaller than Eclipse. Her pelt is speckled with little dots and small splashes of indigo. One of her eyes is frosted blue, and the other is blood red. Around the blue eye is the faint shape of a silver half moon. She also wears a flower crown made out of violets and daisies that hangs around one of her ears. She also has a flower bracelet around her front right paw made out of violets.

Though this she-wolf's name is of a flower, she is not as sweet as a violet. She is sarcastic, gets irritated easily, and has a sharp tongue when it comes to correcting someone or scolding someone for making fun of her. But she can also bully you--- in a playful way. Some get offended by this, but it's just her way to show you that she likes you, and doesn't mind being your friend.

☆Pack/Pack Rank☆

She doesn't enjoy being made fun of (even when she bullies everyone else)
Being underestimated
Wolves who try to help her constantly
Not being appreciated
Getting her paws wet

Bullying (once again, playfully)
Flowers (most specifically, violets)
Moving around constantly (Can't sit still for long)



As a pup, Violet had been stolen from her Pack and taken by hunters. She'd somehow managed to escape the hunters' camp, but she had had no idea where she was, and didn't know how to get back to her Pack. She waited for a whole month for them to come look for her, teaching herself how to survive and hunt, as well as snag food from the hunters when she could. But after that month had passed.. she gave up, deciding that her Pack would never come look for her. So she grew up stalking the hunters, helping some of the wolves they caught to escape. But none of the hunters were able to catch her, no matter how hard they tried. It becane a young hunter's dream to catch her and get her beautiful white pelt, but since she'd learned the tricks of the hunters, she knew every move they would make and always succeeded to escape. This made her a legend to the hunters; Of course, not knowing her real name, they called her Lillith, which is Hebrew for ghost. They almost considered her as the wise ghost that haunted the hunters, because they could never catch her.


Scenario 1: You had just been caught by hunters, and was pressed against the back wall of your cage, snarling at the two hunters who peered in at you. They muttered to eachother in low voices. And then suddenly, one of them raised a metal rod, pointing it at you. You shrank away, closing your eyes. You knew this stick... what they called a 'gun'... they were going to shoot you... and you could do nothing about--- A snarling noise made you open your eyes, and you saw a white she-wolf attacking the hunter with the rod. The human yelled, trying to throw her off, while the other backed away with an awed look on his face." Lillith..." he whispered. And... he turned and ran away! What a coward! The other had torn himself free from this 'Lillith' and was pointing the gun at her. But she lunged for ward and snagged the gun in her teeth, yanking it away from him and growling. So, unequipped with any weapons, the hunter ran, yelling to alert the others. You...

Scenario 2: You were just enjoying yourself, chasing rabbits and butterflies around when you heard snarling nearby. You turned and stalked through the bushes, to see a patrol of your Packmates attacking a rogue. She was shrinking back from them, and you could tell she was losing the fight but your Packmates kept attacking her, probably focused on killing her. You...

Scenario 3: Make it up!

Wolf RoleplayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora