Their escape.

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It was a hot July summer's day and the twins were busy digging up weeds in their Aunts garden. Their already tanned skin darkened as the sun blared down on them, making their huge hand-me-down clothes stick to the wounds that decorated their back and arms.

It was in that garden when they heard an unusual hissing sound, they glanced at one another with confused frowns and followed the sound to a rose bush. Hesitantly, they kneeled and parted the bush, and much to their surprise, they found two snakes with gorgeous black and green skin that glistened in the sun.

"I'll bite you! Move humans!" Their eyes widened as they were able to understand the snake's threats.

"We're not here to hurt you" Delila responded softly. They watched as both snakes raised their heads, tilting them as if they were curious.

"Speakerssss?" Hadrian frowned and glanced at his younger twin, who simply shrugged.

"You have to be careful, we don't want our Aunt to find you," He said as he glanced over his shoulder, hoping that his aunt didn't notice then lacking off their chores. The snakes both let out an unusual hiss, which sounded oddly like they were laughing.

"Nonsensssse Hatchlingssss, one bite and she's dead" Delila raised an eyebrow in amusement, somewhat pleased at the thought of their Aunt being bitten and poisoned by the snakes. Though Hadrian didn't seem as enthusiastic at the thought, due to his wide frantic eyes.

"What are your names?" Delila questioned to change the subject whilst Hadrian continued to look over his shoulder.

"I'm Ivy and this is my brother, Hydro" Ivy introduced and Hydro hissed in greeting.

"Nice to meet you, I'm delila and this is my twin brother, Hadrian" she gestured towards her nervous brother. Ivy and Hydro must have noticed his odd behaviour as they seemed to study him longer than he would have wanted.

"Master Hadrian is an odd wizard" Hydro announced, her head flung back as laughter erupted from her lips, though the sound abruptly stopped as a hand clamped over her mouth.

"Are you trying to get us in trouble?" Hadrian hissed in annoyance, though his eyes showed fear and nervousness.

What the twins didn't realise, was that they were being watched by two individuals. One was a stiff-looking cat, it sat on the fence that surrounded their property and it had a unique design around its eyes. The cat watched curiously as the twins communicated with the snakes, though there was fondness in its eyes. The next wasn't a pleasant nor innocent watcher, the second person happens to be their cousin, Dudley, who was smiling wickedly at the sight of his freak cousins.

Dudley slowly entered the house and grabbed the baseball bat that sat at the entrance, in case of intruders. He made his way back into the garden, being as silent as possible as he approached the twins. He lifted the bat and in one quick motion, he swung it against Hadrian's back, causing the young boy to scream in pain as he fell sidewards onto the grass. Delila's eyes widened and jumped up, instinctively standing guard to protect her older twin.

"What the fuck is your problem?" She shouted with such venom, that Dudley took a step back. The cat stood taller at the sight, its eyes widened in alarm at the unprovoked violence.

"You freaks are meant to be working! I'm going to tell mum and dad and they won't let you eat again" His vicious smirk returned to his face at the thought of his freakish cousins slaving away and not being able to eat the delicious food.

At this point, Delila was shaking in anger, though their attention was drawn to the small serpents that slithered into view. Dudley's face immediately paled and he took a large step back, his eyes widened in fear. Delila took that opportunity to check on her brother, who was groaning in pain behind her.

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