When it all began.

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Privet Drive is a quiet and peaceful street with gossiping housewives and hard-working husbands, their children spending the majority of their time playing in the gardens and riding their bikes up and down the street. Though the street is small, there's one house in particular that holds a mind-blowing secret, one that must not ever get out.

At number four, you would find a family of three, all as ordinary as you could be. Mrs Dursley is a petite woman with short black hair and a long neck, which comes in handy when she wanted to spy on her neighbours. Her husband, Mr Dursley is the complete opposite of his wife, he's round and has no neck at all. His clothes are always of top quality and his hair and moustache are always combed and in place. Their son, Dudley is the spitting image of his father, which pleased both adults. Due to his father's business, they want for nothing and Dudley can be found with brand new items every week, making him extremely selfish and spoilt.

To everyone in Privet Drive, their family was as perfect as they come and yet, the two extra residents in their home were seen as troubled youths who were welcomed into the Dursley home after the death of their parents. Many overlook the two children, not wanting to socialise with such degenerates as they feel it would ruin their image. They overlook the fact that the children are spending a lot of their time in the gardens, tending to the weeds and flowers, no matter how horrific the weather conditions are. Of course, they aren't aware of what happens inside the household and yet, they refuse to acknowledge any mistreatment that might be happening wherever they see one of the children with bruises and cuts on their faces and body, or the limping and clear sickly look.

The reason for such treatment, well... magic, of course. Hadrien and Delila Potter are far from ordinary, according to their aunt Petunia, they are freaks and abominations just like their partners. It was at the age of three when they showed their first signs of accidental magic, and at the age of three is when the first beating occurred. According to their Uncle Vernon, he could beat the freakishness out of them and taught their son to do the same. Petunia, full of disgust, bitterness and jealousy made the twins cook and serve the family but also provide them with a long list of chores to do each day. And Merlin, help them if they don't complete a task or on a few occasions, accidentally break any household item.

As the years went on, the abuse worsened and due to their treatment, they look much younger and more fragile than they should. Of course, not being allowed to eat for days on end and sleeping in a cramped cupboard under the stairs would do that to growing children. They spend most evenings sneaking scraps of food into their so-called bedroom whilst their 'family' happily ate large meals.

It was on July 31st 1990 when the twins had finally had enough, it was their tenth birthday and despite what the Dursleys may think, they weren't as clueless or powerless as they hoped. They spent their whole childhood listening to absurd stories of how their parents were drunks and how they were killed in a car accident after one of their nights of partying. Yet, what they didn't know was that the twins knew exactly who their parents were and what happened that horrendous night.

They were the twins who lived, and they weren't going to let their pathetic excuse of a family make them think otherwise.

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