People Throw Rocks

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Reach for the button on the alarm. Close your eyes for one more second and forget that you need to finish your English homework.

                Forty minutes later, curse loudly. Leap out of bed. Run a brush through your tangled hair and cringe, wondering what the kids on the bus will say to you today. Hope and pray that the boy who smells like garlic doesn't ask you inappropriate questions while the others encourage him.

                Sigh with relief when you miss the bus. Put on a sorry face for Mom but silently rejoice. Ignore the putrid scent of alcohol on her breath. Try not to wonder how late she was out last night. Repress the urge to call Dad; he won't answer anyway.

                Sit down in first period and take off your pink raincoat. Ignore the girl who screeches because you dripped on her desk. Close your eyes and pretend that you don't hear them laughing at you.


Laugh along with them. Raise your hand. Ask the teacher if you can grab some paper towels because your desk is soaked from the weird girl's pink raincoat. Take the pass and smile seductively at the boys as you pass their desks.

                Walk slowly through the hallway because you're in no hurry to return to class. Keep in mind you don't care about independent clauses anyway. Roll your cheerleading skirt a bit higher. Frown because your thighs are rubbing together. Worry because you won't make the squad next year if you keep gaining weight.

                Push through the bathroom door. Snatch some paper towels from the dispenser. Glance in the mirror at your pretty face and hate yourself because your cheeks are too round.

                Go into the stall and stick your finger down your throat.


Rush because you and your friends are late for school. Scold yourself because the McDonald's breakfast wasn't worth it. Complain because the AP test is next week, and you aren't ready. Promise yourself you'll study after school instead of daydreaming about college. Remember there is a world where intelligence means more than bra size.

                Yell loudly when a girl bursts from the bathroom. Point out to her that her mascara is running down her cheeks. Make a comment about freshmen learning to apply makeup. And use big words to make her feel stupid.

                Ignore the jealousy you feel upon noticing her cheer uniform. Do not look at your friends. Remember they are the ones who ridicule it. Make a comment about the girl being too big for her skirt.


Smile at Jenny as you pass her in the hall. Do not say hello. Turn to your friend, Becca, and scoff that you used to be friends with that 'loser'.

                Listen as Becca tells you about the party from last weekend. Curse your parents for grounding you. Perk up as she confides in you about her secret hookup. Freeze when you realize Beau has a girlfriend. Tuck the information into your pocket, and salivate over the details.

                Recollect the night Becca danced with your boyfriend, and remember the pain when he dumped you the next day. Cradle your wounded pride. Get out your phone and prepare to send a text.  


Question if you should have told anyone about the party. Remember that any attention is good attention. Ignore the uneasiness in your stomach for the rest of the day.

                Try not to take it personally when Beau doesn't meet your gaze in History. Erase the marks about you from the bathroom stall and ignore the scent of vomit. Ask your friends if they think you made a mistake. Make a solid attempt to believe them when they say no. Clutch on to all the nice things Beau said to you that night.

                Don't scream when you see the mob around your car after dismissal. Don't cause a scene because that's what she wants. Ignore the horrible word spray-painted on the window.

                Hide your surprise when you notice that kids are holding rocks in their hands. Grimace each time one hits your car. Make eye contact with the girl across from you. Observe her rat's nest of hair and her pink raincoat.


Feel the texture of the rock in your hand. Be glad that it isn't being thrown at you. Wonder why the girl staring at you looks so sad.

Wind up and take aim. Enjoy the sensation of being on the offensive for once.

 Understand finally why people act the way they do.

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