Lamp Post: Chapter 1

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(Y/N's POV)

Hi, my name is Y/N Winston. I am 15 years old and I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My brother Dallas (everyone calls him Dally) and I are in a gang. Everyone in the gang is pretty over protective of me but I would have to say that Dally is the most protective of them all.

I have known the gang for a while and I would have to say that they are my best friends.

You see we are what you call "Greasers". There are also the "Socs" the most snobbish and uptight people you'll ever meet. They all have mustangs and madras and are all super rich and they're all kind of boring, but us greasers. Were more on the poor side and we don't drive in fancy cars and have fancy clothes, but I'd have to say we are way more fun that those dumb Socs.

Anyways, now that you know a little bit about me and my life I can get into what I'm doing now.

Right now I am walking home from school with Ponyboy and Johnny. My two best friends in the group.

They were having some stupid conversation about rather water is wet or not, but I wasn't really paying attention.

I was too busy day dreaming about Pony. You see I have had a crush on Ponyboy for about a year now but I would never say anything about it because I know that Dally would NOT approve and I know that Ponyboy would never like me back anyways.

As I was walking I ran straight into a lamp post. Ponyboy and Johnny turned around and Pony started laughing at me. "Are you okay Y/N?" Johnny asked with a concerned look on his face. "Yeah you okay dumbass?" Pony added while laughing hysterically. "Yeah I'm fine Johnny. And just up horse face!" I replied making sure to use the nickname Horse face because it annoys the piss out of Ponyboy.

It wasn't until Pony said something that I realized that my nose was bleeding.

We got to the Curtis home and I went to get some toilet paper to stop the blood then dally saw me with blood on my face. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY SISTERS FACE PONYBOY!?!" Dally yelled pinning him to the wall.

"Relax Dal I just ran into a pole." I told him and he immediately relaxed. "You gotta watch where your going Y/N, how many times do I gotta tell ya kid?" Dally scolded.

I went to go sit and watch Mickey Mouse with Two-Bit, but then Dally stopped me.

"Do you got homework kid?" He asked me. "Yeah but I'll just do it a little bit" I replied

"Oh no you're not! We're going go ahead and go home Darry. And Y/N as soon as we get back to Bucks your finishing your homework and your not leaving that room until it's done!" Dally told me.

"Ugh fine Dal! See ya later Pony! Bye Johnny cakes!" And with that we left.

Word count: 516

Shut Up And Kiss me (Ponyboy X Reader) *Discontinued*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora