Chapter 10

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Time would never tell how long I had been unconscious. My body absolutely hated me. It was hard to move. My ankle felt tight, swollen even. It was hard to breathe, hard to move, hard to think. My head throbbed and threatened to split open. The constant dripping wasn't making it any better.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

If I just laid here forever it would eventually go away. Or maybe I would. I could fade away into the darkness; into the pain.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

My mind wandered through the last few hours. Considering what had happened I shuddered. It was no wonder why my body was throwing a tantrum. Cake, chaos, drowning, running, explosions, running, swinging, drowning again, and now this.

Drip. Drip.

I grimaced when I thought of James—his hand reaching out to me from under the tree. Death was merciful compared to the monotonous dripping. Even if I was a hero for saving James from noises like this it still made me a murderer. My surroundings had always protected me. Objects seemed to jump to my aid. I had always been protected.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

What had I done? I actually killed a man... by myself? I deserved pain and torture. Bring it on little drip. Drive me crazy I dare you.






Wait, Splash? Where did that one come from? Barely opening my eyes I peered out into the darkness. Little specs of stars shone around me. They were blue. No, there was some green and purple mixed in there too. I didn't recognize any constellations. Matua and I spent countless hours naming the constellations. Each one had a story about our people, about where we came from. These stars were nameless, unrecognizable, and different. I wanted to lay there and listen to their tales. Stilling my soul I lay there quietly.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The dripping continued and beyond that there was a breeze. Water was gurgling in the distance. More drips, another breeze. Come to think of it, the air was regular and rhythmic. It must be the echo of my own breath. Freezing, I listened more intently. I wasn't alone in the starlit darkness.

"Oh goodness!! I am so glad that you're awake. I thought for sure that you were a goner. How do you feel? I hope you're okay. You almost died back there."

There was too much joy in her voice for my current energy level. How was it possible for her to talk so quickly? Carefully turning my head I tried to find her in the darkness. I think she could tell what I was trying to do because a few shuffling sounds followed my movements. The scuffling quieted when our eyes met. She wasn't a mermaid from what I could tell, but she definitely fit the bill for a gorgeous model. Her hair was no longer wet but it was still just as dark as the cave. There was a slight wave to it - or at least from what I could tell in the shadows. With her kneeling by my side I couldn't tell her height but she looked small. Her skin was as white as snow. I was going to respond to her question but my voice hitched once I saw her eyes. They entranced me. There was a spark deep inside that shone in the darkness. They were mischievous yet careful. A better word would for them would be devious.

"Oh, can you not talk? I thought you had spoken to your dog when I saved you. Maybe I was mistaken. Are you deaf?" She leaned in until she was inches from my face before shouting her next question. "CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

I flinched not only at the volume but at the power she carried in her voice. She was something special. Calculating my response took too long. I watched her eyes light up as her expression softened. She gasped a little before speaking in a gentle whisper.

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