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Why does people feel every emotions that they didn't expect to feel?

How come a person survive their own problem? Especially it's very important to them.

What will happen if every person lives like in utopia? An imagine place or state of things in which everything is perfect.

Perfect? Is this word even true? Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or
Characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.

For a person like Madison, perfect isn't existing.
She believes that every person has their own beast in them, they have weakness and they are also struggling in problems that they encounter every single days.

In Madison's life she already live in a world she never wishes to have a life on. A life with both busy person's that never gives her the love she wants to feel, the attention for a child like her to have in her own parents, a care of a mother to her child and a father who will protect her in every aspect in her life like a superhero.

But that illusions never happen.

All her life she lives in a illusions she make on her own.

But does this change if she meet this guy that her half-sister fell inlove with? Or her half- sister's
Gay bestfriend that have a boyfriend that every girl will drool on.

We can't really deny that Martinus is very handsome. Though he's a she. Can't deny that even her Half-sister fell inlove to him.

Deceptive Destiny (R-18+)Where stories live. Discover now