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"Mama, I'm here!" I call out, walking in.

"Mornin' darlin'."

She kisses my cheek.

"How you been?" I ask.

"Different day, same shit. How 'bout you?"

She groans as she lowers into her chair. I sit on the sofa.


"Oh, really?" she asks, raising a brow.

I nod, avoiding eye contact.

I have a lot going on right now, and mama doesn't need to know all that. She loves gossip too much, I'd have no private life if I told her. I'd tell her one tiny piece and next thing you know, the whole town would know my business!

"Well the internet says different."

"Since when do you know how to use the internet?" I reply.

"After you told me about your man-" she starts, wiggling her brows.

"Not my man."

"I did some research on him."


"I even read some cute little stories I found about him on this website. Voltpad or somethin'?"

"Oh my god, mom!"

'His fans are real dedicated. Creative too!"

"I guess."

"I found some paparazzi photos of you two."

"We're just friends, mama."

"Whatever you say, sweetheart. That is a REAL man! An ex marine? I would have loved to get my hands on one of those. Instead, I wound up with your daddy. I did love him though, bless 'em," she says, patting my knee.

To pass the next hour or so, we painted each other's nails and gossipped. We decided to go with matching blue. Now we're just sipping lemonade and watching the news. There's been a shooting in downtown Sacramento. Six are dead.

"World's goin' to hell in a handbasket,'" mama grumbles.

"I'll be right back, gotta use the bathroom."

"Don't fall in!" she says, bursting into laughter.

She's always thought she was a comedian.

After coming back from the bathroom, I see mama holding my phone.

"What are you doin'?

She giggles.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"We're gonna have company."

"Who?" I ask.

"A nice young man named Adam."

"Mama, no!"

"Daughter, yes!"

"Why? We're not even together!" I exclaim.

"I feel a spark," she says, simply.

"The polish fumes must have gone to your head."

"Hailey Marie, do not talk to your mother that way!"

I sigh.

"How did you even know my password?" I ask.

"Hello Kitty? Baby, you're predictable. You've had the same password since middle school."

My face is hot with embarrassment.

Mama is around the back of the trailer, pulling some weeds, when I see headlights shine through the window. I take a deep breath when I see Adam has pulled up.

Tall, Dark, and Anxious (An Adam Driver fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now