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the hills-the weeknd

putri's pov

9 pm , dewan bestari

the whole dewan was filled green and blue effects from the led light and students dancing like they were crazy drunk although they just drink coke.

there are so many people at the dance floor and i don't want my dress to get ruined ,so i duduk on the sofa near the buffet table with damiya.this girl, damiya farisha the school it girl. came from one of the richest family of the country, straight a's students and mvp of nba. what a perfect life expect for her love life, i bagi dia negative 100 marks because of her taste in man.

"put babe, have some fun boleh tak?" 

" i am "

"apa yang best kalau kau asyik duduk dekat sofa ni tenung semua orang macam giler je" she rolled her eyes at me.

"well, i am having fun on my own way sekarang.i got free food and drinks here." i balas balik.

" boo, bosan giler" 

i heard a familiar man's voice. i jeling aja dia. siapa tak kenal the infamous rayqal 'fckboy' hakimi. sorry for the indecent middle name but if you ask me how to describe this guy, that is the exact word for him

"woi jangan kacau dia la giler" marah damiya.being protective as always walaupun her perangai pon dua kali lima je dengan si rayqal ni, but female version.

" biarla biatch, put tak kesah pon."

dah mula la dua ekor ni. memang tak boleh duduk sekali. ada je benda nak gaduh.the real life version of 'tom and jerry', no wonder mr razif pon pernah mention that in his class

i look at both of them and kadang -kadang i still can't believe how they can be together. one second they are bickering like it is a daily basis and one second they be looking like the sweetest couple ever. they don't have pet names. 

'it is soo damn cringe' damiya pernah cakap macam tu dulu.

they call each other with more extreme name i tell you




and many more i can't list them up sebab i might kena tukar this story as a mature content. and i don't want to do that.


"what!" both of them jawab serentak.jinx!

"aku nak amik air. you guys want anything?" 

'tipu. i actually nak pergi amik angin dekat luar. kalau hari-hari nak hadap drama macam ni penat la jugak. at least 15 minutes without this two dumbass can tenangkan my hate tho, i like them but sometimes i just want a peaceful day without seeing dua ekor beruk ni bertengkar macam orang giler depan i'

"hmm, no for me."

" me too i'm good"

" okay then, jagakan tempat i tau". great!now i can be alone kejap.

i walked to the side of the hall after i got myself  a glass of fresh orange. besar jugak dewan sekolah swasta ni. no wonder yuran tahunan pon mahal. i don't know where to go actually, i am a new student so i am not very familiar dengan this school punya mapping. plus this school besar as hell. i just follow where my feet bring me until i arrive at the giant window at the end of the hall

there are not that much people here since all of them berkumpul to dance at the centre. lucky me because i don't like crowded space that much.there was a small corridor there, cukup for a small putri illyana untuk duduk sana.

usually i won't even dare to go to this kind of things because my introverted ass would never survive even one second in the hall. i just pergi sini  sebab it is an event wajib. skip this and you lost your markah koko. weird right? but this is how the teachers akan paksa the student to join event sekolah. suprisingly it works.


my eyes fell on the water fountain in the middle of the garden of eden.there were led light placed around  the water fountain. the blue colour of the light and kabus tipu actually create a perfect combination when they make the statue at the middle of the fountain seems like it floats in the air. same concept as the river of life dekat masjid jamek!

my eyes were glued on the scenery to the point that i couldn't even heard there was a junior that kept on calling my name behind me.

lutfi harris pov

aku tengah makan brownies with nutella toppings when he called me. my senior, ikhwan danish. he was there sitting dekat a big dining table khas for prefects and cikgu.

"ye bang?" aku terus pergi dekat dia as soon as i saw him.

" tolong abang boleh?"

" boleh bang tapi.." 

aku tak sempat cakap lagi dia dah tarik aku dekat dengan i betul-betul tengah melutut sebelah dia. kalau orang nampak and salah faham malu je aku.


he handed me a piece of paper. no. it is more like a surat. what?! 

"tolong bagi dekat this girl"

dia tunjuk gambar this one girl on his phone screen. cantik! padanlah dia ni sangkut, but to tangkap gambar orang without permission macam ni, ee creepy dislike abang ikhwan.

"alright bang"

"thanks, i owe you this time kiddo."

"umm, nama dia bang?"


" saya nak nama dia sebab nanti takde la saya tak tahu nak cakap apa kalau jumpa dia nanti."

abang ikhwan diam. aku tunggu dia jawab. 

"kalau kau bagi je tak boleh ke? selit dalam beg dia ke?"

aku garu kepala. tak kan nak buat macam tu nanti orang ingat aku pulak yang pyscho.

"tak boleh bang nanti orang salah paham pulak. tak pasal-pasal saya kena tuduh mencuri." kita kena think of semua possiblities and this is one of it walaupun bunyi macam keterlaluan.

"hmm ok ok"

 abang ikhwan mengalah. dia tarik aku dekat dengan dia dan bisik something yang buat aku pelik.aku kerut dahi tengok dia and buat muka 'kau srs ke ni' dekat abang ikhwan. senior tak senior dah kalau request pelik-pelik ni yang tak best nak tolong ni.

belum sempat aku nak bersuara, aku dengar head prefect jerit yang bonda pengetua dah sampai ke dewan. terus semua pengawas dan cikgu dekat dining table tu berdiri and waktu tu aku tau aku patut pergi. aku dan abang ikhwan ikut semua orang bangun dan perlahan-lahan aku menyelit dekat semua orang untuk cari jalan keluar.

aku pandang abang ikhwan dekat meja dia. dia pandang aku. dari jauh aku boleh nampak mulut dia cakap 'thank you' in silence. aku senyum.

this is my mission malam ni

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